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Fair and moderately eolci 


Editorial Up. 446 

Business Up. 433f 

Advertialns. . Main S053 


We take the greatest care 

in the choice of our Blue 
Serges. We know they will 
give you satisfaction. 

If you require a suit 
in a hurry — our 
Ready - for - Scrvieo 
Department ^Yill meet 
y 0 u r requirements 
iiiui \vc fit you to 
t^alisfaction — should 
you wisli ■ to choose 
your style and cloth 
our niadc-to-mcasurc 
department will ap- 
peal to you. , 

Wm. McLaughlin '^^«'^^^''^^^ 

21 McGill College Avenue Montreal 

All You Fellows That Bach 

If.ii'v a lilllc clecfiic stoTK thal'll 
«li> iiU juiir I'oini:, liolllni,' aiid tonslinir 
• iiImi |io|>s i'»ti n, 

I.I r(i>l'nii \\\\\ ||i>||i mm .11 llinnr.'li 
( ullr^f : dors oil >our cutiViiis'. or 
jiiiir lirenUfn»!: cnls down ynv lidunl 
iiill Tfry nppn'ciRldy, The lii!)'. cn't 's 
I'ln niid currciil lunMimptiou niudt i- 


r.l I'd^llMd UtiHt'llCS 

l<) niiv Ihiii|i kurkrt, 
rails liccdiiip rrd-li(it 
lht> iiiiiiiili- ciiiroiil 
is sMilelied on. 

i;i TO!(lovo h Sueh a Grand nosl. • 



\\ lii'ii your friends diop in Vni ai-linl 
or Hhen you all jrel lo^i-lhci t<i pri-. 
imro fur that examination, baio n Ml 
ipf •voinotlilni; hot" brciring on your 
V.\ 'I'o^tofo, 





Saturday Afternoon* 
4.30 to 6.00 

l ie Cjpreas SI. Entrante 



/ Saturday Cvonink 




"ARCH" MOIR, Manager 

New Entrance: 

161 Peel St., cor. St. Catherine 

Montreal's Largest 
Upstairs Shop 

Everythinp in up-to-Hat^> rlothcs is lirrc 
— ever>' .''tyiish modol in hundreds of 
attractive pat tei n.=* and finishes. You 
are sure to find just the Suit or Over- 
coat you will want to wear. 

$25,00 Suit 
or Overcoat 

Special DIecount for Student* 
Bo aa Wall>DreMed for 410 lose 


jlilue Force Advancing Down the 
Ottawa Will Be Repulsed. 


Enemy Will Be Djiven From tiie 
lieights by Flank and 
Frontal Attacks. 


I Operation orders with regard to ihp 
Uctital oxcicipps to be earned out at 
Sic. Anuc de Bellevuc, Senuevillc and 
vicinity, were issued yesterday l)y 
Licut.-Col. Starke. Tlioy read as fol- 


C.O.T.C. Headquarters, 
-Moutreal, Fob, 18, 1»1C. 
Uefcrcncc Map— Lachine Sheet No. 

Î 1. Inl:ormation. — Information re- 
ceived frpni headquarters that a Dlue 
Korix, one battalion . wUbout machine 
guns,, now at Caledonia Springs, Ont.. 
:J0 miles west of mnn, will proceed 
iluwn Ottawa Itivcr aiulnrross l,al<ri)f 
Two Moiintiiius on or anniu r-'cliriiai v 
ll". iniB. 

1'. Intention.— The 0. C. Hod De- 
tached I'orcc intends to proceed to 
titc. Anne dc Bclleruc by trado. via 
C.I'.K., thence across ice to a small 
b.iy just north of Morgan's Point, to 
forestall Dlitc Force on'I.iakc of Two 

Rail Movement — The Kefl Pr- 
t.irhcfl I^orcc will rntrain at C'.P.n. 
Windsor Street Station, on Sunday, 
I'cbruary 20, 1916, at 9.10 a,m. 
I 1. Advanced Guard (CapL B- H. Por- 
leous, A Co., McGlll Contingent; Mac- 
donald College Contingent).— The Ad- 
vanced Guard will remain with ilio 
main body until arrival at Ste. Anne 
lie Ijclleviic. 

.'. .NIain Uody (ôlb Overseas Univor- 
.'itii s CiHiipaiiy I less two iiUUoons,! ; 
i; 1.11., .NkCrill Contingrui (les.s two 
plaiounsi; D Co., .McGi',' L'onlinsciit) 
— Tlio .Main Uody on ilciraming at ."^tc. 
.\niie dc Bellevuc will dciiart Ilu min- 
iilos after ai'rival- 

li. riight Flank Guard (Captain W. 
.Molson, two platoons B Co., McCill 
C'jntlngcnt)— The right flank guard 
will romaiu with the main body until 
ill-rival at Lake of Two Mountains, 
when It will detach itself and take up 
a po^ition on the right flank of main 
body and follow eastern shor* Une of 
Lake of 'ï^o .MuuntainF. 

7. Utar Guard iMriit. Tyndalc. l' 
lilaic'jus of .jili 0vi'I•^'ca3 Univnrpitics 
Coiii[ianyi — Tho rear fiiiard will re- 
iiii'iii with the main body until arrival 
at Lake of Two .Mountains, when it 
w ill follow SOO yards in rear of main 

S. Reports.— Reports will be sent In 
I be. head of main body, 
l)y order, 

J. C. .SI.MP50N, 
C;ipt, and S. 0. Red Detached Force. 

The hockey game between • 

• the McGlll juniiors and the • 
( Shamrocks will be p]a,vc<l at * 
' the Arena this afternoon from I 

• - to 3 o'clock, and not on ibo • 

• Campus rink, as was cTpectori. • 
' 'I'bo iollowliiR men are re- • 

• nucHied in bp <iii baud not later • 

• than \i.iu.; .\l. .Sicwait. ,1. * 

• .Nutter, 0- Truytior. \', Ilarri.A, • 

• S. S. Poe, t.. Lowry. W. s. • 

• Kraser, W. Fowler, Jordau and • 
» Dowel I. • 

• , ♦ 


Ilunior Tiiat l-]. Fabie Surveyor 
Is Slated for Judgeship. 


His Appointment Is F;i\ oi cd By 
Leading Members of the 
Quebec Bar. 


Second Meeting of Mining So- 
ciety Held Last Evening. 


Dr. I^orter and Mr. S. Werner 
Present; Address Illustrated 
With Lantern Slides. 

0I'£1{.\TI0.> ORDERS .\u. 'J. 

C.O T.C. Headquarters, 

Feb. 20, 1016. 

1. Tiaiifipori Offiie".— LIciii. 1!. It 
'i'imberlake is detailed to ai i -i:* 
transport officer for luc journey to 
Ste. Anne de Bellevue and rctura oa 
Sunday, Feb. 20, 1016. 

•J. Hour of Departure. — The force 
will entrain ai the Windsor Street 
Station, C.P.R., at 0.10 a.m , Sunday, 
Feb. 20, 1016. 

3. Order of March.— Signallers, 
^coiji.^. Bands. Tith Overseas Universi- 
ties Company, McGill Contingent, CO. 
T,C. Slrctr.hcr-Hcarcr Section. 

1. Slatting Point.— The bead of Uic 
loluiun will leave headquarters. Peel 
Btieet. at !).15 a.m. 

.'). Arrival at StaUon.— Troops will 
enter by main entrance, Osborne sl., 
and march in file to platform No . 2. 
The column will bo baited when bead 
uf column has reached the forward 
entrance of car No. 1, Company Com- 
manders will see thai their companies 
arc kept well closed up and bolted op- 
posite the cars allotted thera. 

6. Enlialnins. — The meii uiii he- 
marched by Platoon Conimandci .s into 
their respective cars In single tile. 
Half companies will occupy approxi- 
tuatply one cat. The leadin;; platoon of 
eacli half company will enter car by 
forward cntrancc. the icar Platoon by 
:e:ir entrance. Rifles will be earned 
ut the abort trail. .Men will iminedi- 
aiely enter car and be eeâted, rifles 
held between their knees. Platoon 
sergeants will report their platoons to 
Platoon Commanders, who will in 

■ ;: n report to company comma nriei.i. 
I>iiilpment will then bp looh. np.i and 
[I'.ai.'Pd !n a feeiirr poslllon. Ilifles 
Hia?: not bf; la^d on t)-.* floor nr !ii (he 

7. .Allottment of Cxtt. — t'aj No. 1, 
Piar.allers, Scouts snd au-etcher- 
Utarers; car No- 2, Bands; cart .Not. 

iCoailnuéd un fafe Jt.>. 

.\ weii-rirfined rumor, whicb is 
plea;-iiig io .vii-Ciil! men, and those of 
llic Tauulty of l*-i" in particular, is to 
the effect that Prof. Kdouard Fabre 
Suncyer is to fill the Judgeship left 
vacant by the death of Mr. Jttsticc 
Saint Pierre. 

Prof. Surveyor was^ educated ut St. 
.Mary's (Jesuit) College, wboro he rc- 
ecU'cd high honors in rhetoric und 
letters. He graduated from McGlll In 
1S06 with the dcsrec of B.C.L. with 
honors, and completed his law studic.<« 
In Paris, taking part in the fir.'^i In- 
ternallonal Congress of l«iwycr.i, beld 
in liniK.sels In 1S;'7. Ho bas been an 
editor of the Oiicbn- I'raetire rtopoits 
sliur tlieir p.stahli.-bnient in 1S!)7, and 
Is looked upon aR one of ibo leaders 
of tbe loiiil r>ai. ba\-inf; been Prcai- 
ient of the Junior Har .\^soriatioii in 
1901. Since 190,'. I'rof. Surveyor bas 
IceturcU at .McGlll on Piocediiie, and 
i.s one (It tlir most iiojuilar of the niem- 
ber.s oi the I'aiiilty. Ho ba.-; suii'CS.s- 
fiilly pleaded boi'oie the Judicial Com- 
mittee of the Privy Council, and has 
published the Code of Procedure 
which is at present used by the stu- 
dcntij at McGlll. He received the de- 
gree of K.C. In laoit. 

At present .Mr. Surveyer is chief of 
the law firm of Surveyer, O'gden & 
Coouao, a. correspondent for several 
American, l^rcnch and Belgian law 
firms, and is secretary of the Canad- 
ian Bar Association. 

Leading member.^ of the P,ar 
throughout the Pio\ iuce favor his ap- 
pointnipiit. and his students, past :»id 
present, express Ilicmyelvcs as more 
iban jiieaiscd at this recognition of 
Prof. Suiveycr's ability and popu- 


Have Only to Play One More 
(iainc to Complete Their 

I'bc intermediate and junior basket- 
ball teams will play regular Prorin- 
cial League games to-night, when 
they meet the North Branch Y,M.C..\. 
at the Central V..M.C.A. The interme- 
diates will be weakened by the ab- 
sence of Wllliscroft from tbe line-up. 
but anticipate little difficulty in down- 
ing the men from tbe nortb end. The 
came will be an inliresling oue. and 
w ill be about tbe bif.t i hance that will 
bp Riven .McGlll men to see them at 
their bci^t. U i.-i hoped that a crowd 
will be present- The juniors are pre- 
pared to give a hard battle tn Ibelr 
game. They have been rather unfor- 
tunate In getting organized so late in 
tbe season, but have altalneil fair 
(orm at present. 

Tbe. intermediate line-up will b« as 

Heanz and Piitt, forward.'!; J. IVi-- 
SUrton, centre; II, l'crgui-on and Li)- 
luini. defence; Clai-k . and Davis, 



Snow prevented the long-expected 
skating party announced for laat night 
by covering up the. ice, and the eager 
visitors bad to be conlcatcd with a 
moat enjoyable eonvprsazione. The 
girl* and men from .\Ia(:donald Col- 
ICRp took lu it \pry kindly, tind ilio 
whole ten tiimibers were talked 
thioiiRh c re.tirrndn. 

.Mif, Crowell. Ml«s Wien and .Ml.<« 
Hurlbatt and Mif^^ Hunter, pi esMcnt 
of the Court of Honor and Y.W.C.A-, 
Mardonald College, acted e« chaper- 
ones. Alter tlie usual retreshmouUi 
•and "Auld.Lang Syne," "(Sood-Mgbt, 
Udles," and "God'Saye the Klug," the 
party enikd. 

The second meeting of the .Mining 
society of .McGlll wa.s held last even- 
ing in the .Mining Building. Mr. Weir. 
.Milling "16. the president, called the 
nieeting to ordei, 11, A. Cater, ;-.ri- 
rcfaiy-tieaaurer of the society, read 
the minutes of the previous meeting. 

Dr. J. 11. Porter, the head oi the 
Mining Department,' and Ihc honuiaiy 
president of the .Mlnlus .Society, then 
gave a very interesting address on the 
history of Ihc spring miniUB trip, 
which has h'ceii Ik Id i vei y year ,sliicf. 
IS9S, with the exception of last year, 
on account of the present prevailing 

Dr. Porter ;;tatril llini tbe v(ar 
>n\v Ihc iliilial irip of tin- Miiiiiu Su- 
ch I. \ 'i'lir ii-al |iiii|iosc of tbf 11 111. 
wliicb lake;; place i<\ iIk «ml uf ilu' 
college term, la^^tin;; abmii ; i\ wrcli,;, 
is to give the men who iiiteud to take 
the mining eotirsc .some practical 
knowledge of the miniug methods in 
different parls of the country. The 
trip was essentially for the men of the 
third years, but it was extended in iho 
later years to Include all men inter- 
ested In mining who desired to make 
the best of any opportunity of this 

Il was very soon afler Dr. Porter 
lioi ame actively connected with Mc- 
Gills .Mining Department that ihitj 
trill was established, and the Faculty, 
realizing that ibis inr inu iivc trip wa.-^ 
a necessary iiiul e.i.senilal part of a 
miner's education, made ll pan of the 
pro-scribed iiiininj; ( iirrii iiliiiii. Ii is 
improbable ihnt a ;iii(lciii of niiiiini; 
can Hucec.-fsfiilly Kiadiiali: " liboiit i bis 
practical eriucaiion or wltboui work- 
ing iu sonu' l ajiarity ai a uiiiir diiriiis 
the summer \ara!.ioii. In lai i, tliis fea- 
ture is sUougly iidvotalcil by IJi . 

The past trips, which have been 
held each summer .since lS!)»i, with the 
exception of last year, were in -i gen- 
eral way described liy Dr. Porter. The 
tiiiis have always- been very we.'l ii'.- 
lemlcd; thirty students on a triy wns 
no rare occurrence. Dr. Port!r 
always on hand, with a number of the 
Hiaff, to direct and supervise> 
n il -. Oi: Sl ino of the trl,i!j i can 
Adams, Dr. Bancroft, .Mr, Sam Wer- 
n-r. Mr. l.vll. Dr. Stansficp], un.i 
I'ruf. Fvans accompanied the stu- 
dents, thus adding very much to the 
(|ualily of the education rccclTcd on 
these trips. 

Due \( ry nun ti to the si-(>a( peii- 
ero.sit) of the. lalo .-^ir William \'an 
llornc, the sinerniiic body of the L'lii- 
versity saw fit to srant a pan 
mcut of the t'osts i inbmlied liy the 
trip, Depeniliii? ii|)Dn ihi iiunibei of 
.-itiidenls RoiUR on the trip, one |iii\aic 
car, or sometiiiics two, wcio hired 
from the Canadian Pacific Railway at 
a special concession. The cost to the 
students layabout $12i} per man, the 
University paying those charges over 
and above. 

Tbe trip each year is to a different 
section of tbo country, there being no 
laid out or set trip. By this process 
the whole of Canada, and parts ot 
espceiai interest In the United Slale.^. 
havo been visited. Fight Iriiis have 
been taken to British Cnhiiiibia, four 
to tbe I'nltcd ."=;tates. four to the Co- 
liali (listiici, and iiiaiiy others to Nova 
Scoli.i and niiiie.>( nearer to .Montreal. 

.\fier tbe couclusinn of Dr. I'oiter'.s 
addre.».', some very wonderful and in- 
IcrcstlnK lantern slides were sIiO'mi 
aa.l explained by >Ir. Wernei. who b;.: 
a'-ted the part of nV iioKiaiihrr on tb ' nSym In which be a<roniiiaiii' (l 
the miners, thus aceMniiilaiiiis <|iiiie a 
wi'resprcad col ecibiii. The slidorf 
shewed the nilnca ainn.t; the main lino 
of tbf C.P.R. from New Brunswick t>i 
Rosriand. B.C., going out, and, return- 
ing, showed the mines along the 
Crow's Nest Pass route. The slid 
brought to ligfat the manner in whicb 
the students came in intimate contact 
with methods of mining on tho Jour- 
ney. A /great deal ot the success of 
tbe evening .may ho credited to Mr. 
Werner's entertainment. 

The e.xiremely abundant supply of 
rcfreshmcniii may be credited to the 
eneigy and toresilght of Dr. Porior. 

Tbe iiieelinR whs gU^n the plrasuri» 
of hesrinK a few words spoken by 
Mr. Die.ïser, chainnan of the Montréal 
111, inch of the Canadian Mltilng Imr!- 
Iiite. .Mr. Drepser praised Dr. I'nnei 's 
work. ctpeclBlly his step in the ndfnh- 
llshment of a spring mining trip, and 
strongly advoeatod propnniiloii for 
another trip, to ennuc lhl» xpriuK. lin- 
ing a member of «uch promiunneu of 
tbe Canadian Mining Initllute, Mr, 
Dresser was able to peint eut (he di- 
rect benefits which rnn bi' dTlnil 

jCoutlnuejl on I'luy 'lhrsti,;_ 


Paid-up Capital, - - - $7,000,000 
Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits $7,245,140 


Deposits received of |1 and upwards, und iutercat allowed at best 
current rates. 


20f .TiMic.» .Str»»-!. 
J:0 St. ratliPi|n« Street West. 
«7ï Centre Street. 
1Ï65 St. Cuthcrlnc Slroct East. 

I I.awicncc BoulevarS. 

I iSijii St, l..awreni;e nouIeva.rd. 
St. D«nls and St. Zotlouc Streets. 



risLibllsliPd III I53ii. Incorporated by rioynl Charter In 1S1U 

l'ald-lj» t'npllal $1,S66,066.(i« 

Jtcscrre Fund < . . t3,017|388.33 

Head Offtc*: 

Head Otilec in Cniiada : 


^ n. «. M.ICKEXZIE, General Slanager. 

Thi.-, I?aiil< lin. nianrlies In all the principal cltlen of Canada, 
iii'iiMin« I n y i v,T.'». and Ajfcnclce at New Tork and San 

rriinilnvj m Un' i iiii>i| :-intr.i. 

Agents anil C..: rr. |,..m|r.|,l i,, .vrry pail ..f Ui f; world. 
<.<lllr■■lloll•^ 'llMir Ml l.onrvl lliilr^. 

Bliifl-, Money Orders, I irenlnr I.ellers of ( redit HUd 
Iraicllers' Cheques ls»ucd, >esoliabie anynbere. 

Phone Up. 2501 

Established 1199 


but thero',s ahso a most ef' 
icincdy. Dry cleaning iu 
panacea for 8i>ills and all cucb 
ills. We can effervesce away 
your .stain.s and discolorations 
most efficiently, and our prices 
aiipeal because they arc entirely 
within tbo bounds of modera- 

BuiTiiett Tlie Cleaner 


No trouble to prepare 


Reindeer Brand Coffee 

(Combined with Sugar and Milk). 

Just add Boiling Water 

1 lb. can mokes UO cups delicluus cufrer. 

Four Things Combined 

to make Harrison'.s Bread : Best Material, Best Baking, 
Best Care, aiifl Best Proloction. 

Let us Advise You to Try 

Harrison's Milkmaid Loaf 

Phone Mount 3566. 

Aleinndrx Mm 'I, 
Utlawa, under iaiim 

rilOS. F. BABI.T, 

When You Arc Hungry And Want 
Something Real Good To Eat, Try 

The Alexandra 

344 Sl. Catherine West 

tUpiHitlle Uvodwia'a) 
**Montnttfi Mnt Fvputar Reitàurant" 

Enquire About Our 

Special Meal Tickets 

" For our American Platt-^'Tabl^ d'llote 
Uiniog Jtooui Up^tair^ 

A LA CABTE SEnVICE=^ a.iii. lo 13 p ty. 

Saturday, February 19, 1016. 

Th« Official Omn of Oic VnilcrBrnduate Ilodr uf McGill Vnltcnlly. 

l^ublUhed every day except Sunday by 

Harvard Lampoon Has 40th Birthday 

• « 

(Vow York 'rimt^ 


A Cuahing. "17 


n. Morean. '17 


T. W 

Li. MacDcrmot. '] T { 
Managinc Sdltor I 

a. W. Bourke. 'IT 
I'. A, G. Clark. '17. 

J. r. Ls Brown, '17. 
X P. Call»shan. MS. 
li C, Common. US. 
J. I!. Dtan, B.A., 'IS. 
.M. C r>o UochiP, '13. 

H. I>errpr. '17. 
J- .\. Flndlay. '17. 
A. iSallay. 'IT. 

U H. Blscar. 
. B»vi». '19. 
2^. D. GdnCKt, 
yr. itiiutoa, '13 


V. S. Crpen. 'IS. 
T. J. Kelly. B.A., '17. 
.\, Gardner, '16. 
H. L. Ookoy, '17. 
.^. B. HawtiuTne, '17. 
.v. J. l.,iki\ MS. 
13. A. Llvlncston'. '17. 
P. n. MrCi oary. .'IS. 
.1. K. Mil.i'pd, 'IT. 
£. 1.1. KoUiiison, 'K. 


J. Lêvy. MO. 

.\. .Vo.iil. '13. 

11. O. A. rivornic. 'I'J. 

L. H. :-tUwcn. '1^ 

IJ. J. Lowe, 'IT. 
U. Shaer. 'IT. 


K, T.. Schcllena, 
.T. VI. iSchofiald. 
.T. Shanly. '17. 
.\. I. Si-illh. 'It. 
\V. E. Tliroop. '17, 
R. .T. llfh.T. 'IS. 
.M. I'. Walsh. '16 
U. M. Youuff, 'IS. 

V. ic. Symondt. '!>. 
M. p. Whelen, '19. , 
W. H. Wlcteware. '19. 

Mias Alice M«lvln. '16 Miss Helen Kelly. 'IT 

lîdllor Asst. Editor. 


ElUabeth Monk, '13 Mis» Lillian Irwin. '17 Miss May Newnham, 'IT. 
^raca Gardner. 'IS Misa Florence KilEoiir. '17 Miss Wanda Wyatt, '17. 
Olbb. 'K Misa Grace McDonald. 'IS 

-Of»duatei' Correspondent — W. B. Scott. n.C.L., 'lï. 7gi noyal Trust Bulldlns. 

• MUs Ell 
:'M|ss Gr 
>f Us M. 



McGin Union. i;p. izi 


McGtU Union. Vp. 416. 


Unity Bids., aiatn 3051 

T. J. Kelly. 

E As yet neither notice nor action has been taken by any of the 
•Btudent representative bodies in connection ^vith the suggested 
jfomiation of a committee of students to confer with the Univer- 
jsity autiiorities in the matter of the new student residences to be 
rerected in jMacdonald P-ik. 

; This is clearly a situation in w hicli tlio student udiniiiislrative 
3jodles may be able to confer lasting benefit upon the undcrgi'adu- 
3ite body, not only of the present, but of many years to come. 
fBecause of this, it is a duty which they should in no case neglect. 


1 ht Luiniioim'a tiut iu-inj;lii. in 
Tbc om lo-Uiy'.ii 
It's out. out, it's oui, ii'o out, 
Tlic Lampoon's out to-nlsbt 

ThoBO' words don't sound lilin murb 
set dov.-a iu cold, bard tyiic. lii'.l cvcu 
thai way tlicy will bring a rush of 
inonioric? to scores upuu scores of 
Harvard siaduaics. foiiucr nivi.ibcrj 
of the staff of ihr Ilanard Lampion, 
nmv scattcied fioui Uic .MlatUin lu 
the I'ai'Ifli'. wiih wlnklr.T ami bpards 
covering tiieir formerly liappy-so- 
lueKy facc^— and oftentimes noil ing 
at all covering their erstwhilo thid^ly 
tbatcbcd beads 

oldsters gcnlly bum tboso words to 
iho rakish litllo tune by Arthur Sher- 
wood ot tho class or 'TS, and what an 
a^nlancho of memories tho "LiaropoOn 
Song" will brlnc-^rolllckiDg punch 
nighU and Initiations of quivering 
ricthn;; and good cheer generally, 
when the roofs and ■wtiUs ot'iho siic- 
cefKive Lampoon sancta snnctorum 
rocked to the voices uf dozens of sten- 
torian t-inscis. 

La«t night the Lampoon £oug shooli 
the ratlcts in the goi'Scoiij now sanc- 
tum tthore tJic Harvard Lampoon is 
now housed at Cambridge, Mass. II 
was suns to celebrate tho fortieth uu- 
nivcrBary of the foundation of 
"Larupy," as the paper is affccllou- 

■ ately called by those who have had a 

if^^^^^^^^^^""""^^^""""""""""""^^^^""^^ band in gelling It out. Yes, for forty 
3 , , lÂ/^nnéori* An^ir%n yoaxs Lampy, oldest of Amorlcau col- 

• | " rrU/IHfUs J±Cllun logo funny papers, has been making 

■ Han-ard men laugh, iWtb digs at pro- 

fessors and pokes at college foibles 
and slaps at Us sworu foe, tbc Har- 
vard Crimson, official dally news- 
paper of tho uudcrgruduatcs, which, 
being matter-of-fact and prclcrnatui"- 
ally serious in tone, was, is, and 
doubtless always will bo target-in- 
ordinary to Lainpy. 

Many .a mau afterward tanious bus 
helped write The Lainpoou iu its 
forty jcars of existence. Ou tho orig- 
inal board of editors back in 1S76 was 
Edward S- Jlartin. 77, now of the cdi- 

• , J i.,. x- .. , ,. ' lorial staff "of Life, and known far 

3ind which deserves attention lor the wellare of the student body. land wide for his essays, verses, cdi- 
•Wherever possible, The McGill Dailv would urge presidents of'i°»'«'s ""i<^'" 'itcrary works, lie 

iclusses of the University to take steps to bring the matter befoi-e ! ™ '° ,f 7^ J'"!''' 

•*u^:^ ^^^.u^... ,ji li- ... ..... . ^graduation from Harvard and found- 

;tlieir members and to pass resolutions in lavor of the fonnation of ed Life, wberefoi-o Lampy always 
•such a committee. Action is what is now needed. [looks uiwn that raamrcr yet younger 

sbcol with tbc benevolent eyes of a 

.Another of the early Larapoontis 
who won renown on Lifo was Uic late 
Francis Gilbert .Mtwood, by far tho 
most talented anlsi of the early Lam- 
poon d;iys, and familiar to thoutiaiids 
of readers of Life up to his death in 
I'jOO. for bis sketches depicting the 
events of each week. Among Atl- 
wood's best contributions to Har\'ard 
comic lore vaa "Rollo in Cambridge," 

deed we standai-dizo everything. There is a standard page lor 'tJ'Tn^ ^°^}° '"'^''^ 

J 4,. a o\,auuaM.u Hcijsv Aui faihors and mothers of his gener- 

ation were broiight up, which now en- 
joys almost tho halo of a classic in 
Boston and conttguous parts. The 
texi w.'u, written by two oihei- Lam- 
poon men, r. J. Stimsou, who wrote 
several books under the pcn-nann; of 
J. S. of, and has since become 
prominent in law and diplomacy, and 
J. T. Wheelwright, of Uoaton. Their 
amusing caricatures of the c.xeniplai'y 
Rollo, his naughty associate Tbanny, 
and tho rest of the characters Of the 
RuUo series won delighted applause- 
Ono lino comes casUy to- raind— Hol- 
lo's remark when condemned by h la 
creators to a violent , death—" Those 
whom the gods love die hung. " 

Another early edition of The Lain- 
|K)on, in the days when the staff did 
not enjoy the palatial quarters Of 
their .-•ucccE.=ors of to-day or even the 
tnorlri^t low-cellingod r(xmi which cUi 

who Htlerward exchanged jcst-ma«.- 
iiig for. tbc United Stales .\mbassa- 
dor.ship .tu Russia iind^tbc Govornor- 
aiiiip of Massachusetts Stale. And 
who would guess, reading "Tho Life 
of Cnvour," and Other solemn woiks 
by William Roseoe Thayer. Hint he 
was a member of The LampiKiu buard 
In the early cigblics ? 

Owen WIster. author uf " rhc Vir- 
ginian," contilbuted to The Lampoon 
in tho days prior to bis grailuatioa in 
ISSl'. Somewhat over iwciily years 
lalor. when "The Virfiiuiaii" liail 
crowned him wiili laurel.-^, 'I'he Llmu- 
poou l)oard that hai>pcued tu be lu of- 
fivo decided that it would he fitting to 
\.ct any one of ilui.^e give a dinner to the illustrious grad- 

From the school bench to the normal school, from the normal 
^cbool to the teacher's dovsk, t.ur educational system, at its best, 
lias evolved into a machine. In mechanics it is found that the 
Tîiore complete and perfect a machine, the fewer things it will do, 
says the Weekly Witness. Its work becomes standardized. In- 

tlonately remember, was Iiobcrl 
Grant, .author of "Unleavened Bread," 
"The Cbippcndalos." and other uov- 
oU. Barrett Wendell, loo. now a 

Things Theatrical 

ntwspapers, a standard width of column, a standard size of type. 

Engineers used to make special girders to suit tlicir bridge design. 
Now they design the bridge ^o suit tlic standard girders their ma- 
chines turn out, and can do the .job better in half the time and at 
half the cost. Silversmiths used to make a new design for every 
tankard and biscuit bo.s. They now make a thousand to a given 
design, and can afford to have a good design. Houses arc now 
produced to standard pattenis, unci arc ordered \vhole. For ma- 
tdiial things the economy of the machine method is unquestion- 
able, though lovers of art abominate it. In like manner it used to 
b« said of the common school education of the United States that 
the product was all No. 9 wire— all pulled through the same hole. 
The maclunc has been immensely improved, but still the tendency 
is to standai'dization. and it is a question whether the product can 
b» said to be educated, individuality being largely suppressed in 
teacher and scholar. 

Now wo arc going lu do our teaching literally by machine, 
continues the Witness. The Chicago School Board has authorized j tors of ten or fifteen >cars ago affee- 
the use of moving-pictures in the schools of the city. Plainly it 
is a facility that cannot long be ignored. When it comes into gen- 
eral use it will almost enforce tlic consolidation of rural schools. 
The child who has been in tiie habit of learning the barren names 
of places which convey no idea to himself or to his teacher, and to 
whom if in the States geography has for tlie most part been the 
chequer pattern made by the counties of his own state with like 
assemblages of little squares in other states, with like names, De«- 
catur. Warren, Jefferson, Jackson, etc., all over again to confuse 
him. Now when the Chicago boy reads of Greece he will be able 
to visit tho sunny isles. From Ida he will look over Ti'oy, he will 
climb Olympus where the gods lived, and Parnassus, the home of 
the Muses. When he is told of the beauty of Greece he will see 
Arcady and the Ya.\c of Tempe. When he learns of the defence 
of Greece against the Persian hç will visit TheiTnopylae and sea- 
bora Salamis. If the lesson touches on the present war he will 
be able to realize, as few of us have done, the heroism of Anzac. 
Jtlc, the Chicago boy, will eschew England, but will see Ireland in 
'its lovely greenery, with a few phases of landlord cruelty 
thrown in. 

Nothing in school could be more informing than such a system 
of entertainment. Whether it will be education or not wll depend 
on how it is used. Education means training the powers into effi- 
ciency and strength. The pupil must learn to work his mind or 
htt is not educated at all. With such fascinating excitement as the 
ijfctures would give, the child's mind might not only not be better 
fitted for mental discipline, but even unfitted. It would be abso- 
iulely necessary, if the latter result was not to follow, that the ex- 
hibits should be associated with active, not passive, exercises of 
mind. We have always de.^ircd to see the moving-pictures in 
school, even at some risk to the children's eyes, for quite another 
mscii, namely, t-j take off the edge of the children's curiosity 
for the picture liicatrcs. who?.e effect is admittedly deleterious. It 
is not easy to keep them from these, but, as in many spheres, the 
best rcinedy may be to overcome evil with good — so to educate the 
children's taste that they will not be so easily charmed by vulgar- 
lt>- and impropriety. 

nate. uiul it was forlbwiih held, with 
.Mr. WIster as guest of honor, chief 
apeech-niaker and terminus for in- 
numerable complimeutB from other 
Lampooners present. 

It would seem, from scanning the 
above list of Lampoon editoi's who 
"made good" that tbcy turned 
enUrcly to the serions side of life as 
soon the door of the sanctum 
clO;,c(l un tlicm. Ilut thai wasn t al- 
ways the caic. Une. at least persist- 
ed in boing a funny man even when 
engulfed in the wilds of business. On 
the roster of Lampoon men scattered 
over tho country appears tJie name of 
Brncst Lawrence Tbuyur, author of 
"Casey at the Bat." That wasn'l a 
very serious production, as all who 
have beard Pe AVolf Hopper's thril- 
ling recital of it will agree- 

To return to solemn matters. In- 
stead of things like "Casey at the 
Uat," another Lampoon wan. Profes- 
sor George Santayana, of ITaiTard, 
wrote J after graduation " Interprola- 
tlons of Pocli'y and nellsion" and 
"The Life of Reason." .\Uo he look 
to lecturing on .Aristotle and others 
who were not on the cdiloi-iul staff? of 
Greek comic papcr.s. .\iirt lirovrr 
Kllnl, '.S.'?. lefi The Lampoon to |i|iini;c 
into ilie wild lands of Cuba with the 
".Mossago to Gaicia" which Klbcrt 
Hubbard glurified. aud on bis return 
he wrote ".^lal■ching with Gonie^." 

Meinbci-n of more rcccni Lunijioon 
boards whoso names have bccotye 
widely known arc Lloyd MuKim Gar^ 
rison. author of many giaceful 
poems; WInlliroii Ames, tho tbeatri- 
ciil manager; Çbaries Macomb Flan- 
druu, author of "llarrard Episodes," 
etc.; E. G. Knoblauch, playwright; 
George von Lt.', magur.Inc man : 
Richard Washhiiin Child, wtiosc name 
appears constantly as a contributoi' 
to periodicals, and Uarle Derr Hlg- 
gcrs, co-author of the play, ".Seven 
Keys to lluldpaLe • " 

Hcsidcs "Rollo iu Cambridge," other 
products of Lampoon men have earned 
the honor of appearing in book form 
for the delectation of their admirers. 
Among such light and irreverent 
works arc "Tho Harvard Alphabet," 
by WUllam Bond. Wheelwright, '01, 
and others of his 'contcmporarieG at 
Harvard, and "Harvard Celebrities," a 
delicious series of piclures dcplcUng 
members of the faculty and other per- 
sonages of Cam'indgc, done tiy i: o. 
Hall. '0;), picsldcnt of The Lampoon 
hoard daring his senior year, and E. 
R- Little, '04, with clever verses, quot- 
ed right iind left iu their day, by H. 
W. Eliot, jr., 0:'. Only laet year a 
worthy successor to these worKs ap- 
peared in " .Mice in Cambridge, ' In 
which Lewis Ciirroll's "Alice In Won- 

his maturcst days, aud to sec that the 
pictures of ihc favored ones get into 
tho paper. 

As for the presldeol, it Is a tradition 
of The Lampoon— It was a rew years 
nso, auyliow— -ihnt ho anil tho candl- 
. .'imi ili.'K : lavi' of .Mammon, the 
l)Ubini'.-H ni.inaser of the paper, are 
the only peuple that miist work. Or- 
dinary cJiiur,-.. unless their bubbling 
humor ahsuUitcly must have au out- 
let, tend to limit their efforts In be- 
half of Lampy to attending the punch 
nishts provided by tbc "business end" 
out of tlic surplus cash, brow-beating 
neophytes at inlUations, and— attend- 
ing moie punch nights. 

Dut the president must be on hand 
oveuings When the candidates come in 
with fluttering boarls, bearing their 
contribuUons in trembling hands, and 
bo must wrestle twice a month wltii 
the awful Job of getting up the 
"dummy" of The Lampoou and. send- 
ing It to Ihc printer. 

The I^ampoon has niauy advertise- 
ments, and It Is e.\prossly stipulated 
in the advertisement contracts that 
Ihcrc muft he twenty Issugb of the 
paper a year. 'I'hcsc, of course ought 
to appear regularly twice a month 
during the ton months of the Harvard 
term. IJui there have been times when 
l^anipoou editors have had to stay In 
Cambridge during the hot days of the 
summer, forsaking seashore delights, 
issuing Lampoons that ought to have 
appeared during tho college term, in 
Older to complcle tboso twenty num- 
bers for inexorable advorUsers. 

Tbc Lampoon in its earliest daye 
had no real headquarters at all. Mar 
tin aud Aitwuod and Stinison simply 
got together, .saiil "Let. thci'e be light 
humor:" and lo ! tlieic was. Butas 
tho paper grew its high estate re- 
quired a sanctum. During its exist- 
ence it liai bad several, culminating 
In tho I'liviniing little building on 
Monnt .Nnliiirn street, which Is the 
pride of e>ery Lampoon nun's bcai'c. 
Before the paper moved into Its pres- 
ent quartci's il incd to looms In 
an old-fashioned bouse on Molyoke 
.street, with a creaking slalrway and 
low ceilings- Around the walls were 
settees, on which the editors lounged, 
while (;andidates doposlted their con- 
tributions In a huge punchbowl in the 
centre of a table. Into this table the 
names of scor'3 of editors had been 
mi wijii jacKknives. llauging from 
li.L- wallo were pewter stelnii. each in- 
Lcrilicd with an editor's name. 

Ami how thor.t walls rang when, 
aftei' the cjuiribmions had bceu swept, 
from the huw i to make way tor strong 
red punch, tbc room was tilled to suf- 
focation and blindness with tobacco 
imoke, and somcwhcro In lUc ha^'O 
and noise miserable youths ^oing 
through their initiatlou as editors 
read "parls" specially prepared for 
tbc occasion. These, whether good, 
bad. or Indifferent, were invariably 
greeted with bowls of derision and 
disapproval by the eilltoi's. The neo- 
phytes finally were reduced to a state 
where they had aboiit decided that 
life was nut wonli living, aud that 
they mi,-;!)' ju^t a;; well jump Out of 
the window ;uid end it all. Aud then 
the preildcut walked up to them, 
grasped their hands, hung Tho Lam- 
poon medal (designed by the great 
Attwood himself) around their necks, 
and, a minute later, they who had 
been treated like the dirt beneath the 

derlaud" visiu Harvard, It was done feet of the board of editors were seat 

FOCyTAnr PEX lost. (lott on Thursday. Feb. 17, probablsf la 
— . — vicinity of Campus rink. Will finder 

A ciiver-avounted fountain pen. eo- kindly leave it with the janitor of the 
graved witb tlie InlUals W.C.S., wu 1 Eogineerlog Building? 

by R. C. Evans and B. L. Darron of 
tbc Claris of '13. 

The editor in charge of tho pictitres 
that appear in Tho Lampoou is^'uot 
called art editor or art manager or 
any such piosnlc title. He is the Ibis. 
Tbc Ibis, that classical bird, was rn- 
sbrincd some thirty years ago as liic 
pidleeting deity of The Lampoon, 
though why lie should be po.-ouifieil 
by tho art expert of the pai:c:' 
Ehroiulcfi !n m}>iery. .\uy.)o.v. iMi, 
he Is, II IB duly 's to look aloof and 

learned professor of nt his lordly when timid candidates present 
Alma Mater, contributed many a joke illiistrations for the paper, to give 
to Tho Lampoon, us did Curil^ Guild.'ihrni nil\-irc worthy uf Mribu;<iilc;i iu 

seated !— on the 
punch In' their 

ed— yes, actually 
benches, mugs of 
humls, bellowlns : 

The Lampoon's oui to-night, boys, 
Tho Lampoon's out to-night! 

In iliai U'w -ccilingcd sanctum was 
concocted tho Kakc Crimson plot of 
r.i'.il. which to this day makes Hnr- 
v.ini men clincklf with glee. The 
t!riuiïi)n, Il haii been remarked, is the 
Harvard daily paper—a. solemn sheet, 
averse to fjivoiity, austere. Ccrlaiu 
daring spirits on Tlic Lampoon cou- 
ecivcd the idc;i of issuing a Ci'Imsou 
tin 111,-ches. Ascertaining that the 

soher-minded dally was not to appear 
on May 30, 1 901— Decoration Day— 
they cajoled a Crimson editor, who 
wa« also a lAmpoonor, to cajolo the 
printers who printed the Crimson to 
issue a "fake" on that day, sufficient- 
ly like the real tiling to deceive un- 
suspecting undergraduates. 

The deed *an done. The CriiUiun 
that appeared was fearful and won- 
derful to behold. To this day copie 
of it are preser\-ed as sacred relics by 
Limpoon men- The main editorial 
ran tiius : 

'"Phe Crimson feels bound In honor 
and In justice to lis subscribcr.s u 
make the following statement: 

"For several years past The Crim- 
son baa been making money In stead- 
ily increasing amounts. This money 
has been divided up among the édi- 
tera of the pap6r ta the fom of divi- 
dends. The present editors feel that 
since "The Crimson is not primarily a 
money-making enterprise, but is 
merely a form of undergraduate ac- 
tint^' in eomewhat the same way as 
the teams and musical ciuns, tt is not 
right for thèm to appropriate th'.s 
money for their own use. Wo toe! 
that we have money on band at pres- 
ent to which we are not entitled. Tlie 
only honest course opeu to us Is Ij 
refund this money lo those from 
^vhom it was taken. 

"Any one brtogliig the receipt for 
his subscription to The Crimson of- 
flco this evening between 8 and 9,30 
will receive ?1. After this the sub- 
scription prlc6 of Th(s Crimson will be 
f: a year instead of 93." 

All that was buncombe. The Crim- 
son editors had no idea of giving up 
their profits in tbe altruistic manner 
set forth. According to credible In- 
formation, they spent the time be- 
tween eight and nine-thirty that even- 
ing roughly ejecting credulous uudcr- 
graduatcs, largely fréshmcu, from 
their sanctum. 

On the front page of ttat celebrated 
iMue of The OrMnaoa appeared a no- 
tice headed "Bacteria at Large," an- 
nouncing that certain Jars had been 
smashed in tho pb^islologlcal labora- 
tory, as a result of wbiicb various 
kinds of bacteria with deadly Latin 
names and deadlier Vfcrsonal cHarac- ' 
terlsUcs bad been liberated. All who i 
had been working in tho laboratory . 
between certain hours were urgea to 
report to the medical inspector of the 
university at once. Many of them Jld. ' 

Tho Crimson editors were ruriouK. ; 
and Ulkcd darkly of legal, action. But , 
eventually Tbe Lampoon state were 
allowed to gloat over their arch-rival 
vtithout having to wear prison stripes. 

There was an amusing aftermath of 
Uie Fako Crimson, On May 31, isoi, 
tbe day after the hoax, the real Crhn- 
son carried this anuouncemcnt: 

"Tho editors of The Crimson wish 
to state that The Crimson issued yes- 
terday had uo connection with this 

A year later The Crimson editors, 
fearful of another fake, got out an is- 
sue on .Memorial Day. And the next 
day Tbc Lampoou appeared with this 

"The editors of Tho Lampoon wish 
lo announce that Tbe Crimson issued 
yesterday had no connection with tbia 

Now and then The Lampoon varies 
Its regular scmi-iuonlhly succesilon 
If issues by special issues that add 
greatly to the gayety of college life. 
Oucc there wa.3 a "Life" number, w il'j 
take-offs on that noted cdlld or The 
Lampoon. .\nd there was anolUor 
satirizing the style of the Uu.>>toii 

And now Lampy has been at his 
Pianks for forty years 5 Hut hti 
doesn't show bis age. Whèu e.\-cdit- 
ors with beards ' and undergraduate 
editors w^itbout them gathered at 
Lanapy's new palace, there was the 
same spirit of revelry and Irrever- 
ence, the same deafening ring to 

The Lampoon's out to-nlgtit, tjoys, 

Tho LamiKwn's out lo-nlght. 

Sir! IVonldn'l a New Hat 
dinarten up your appearance? Th» 
Spring styles are all hi. Fin» 
Felt» and .111 nssortment of 5tyl*f< 
80 comprehenslva that you're sura 
to And amons them the Ideal hat 
to conform with your own par- type of face. ^ 
rrlcc?, $3,60 and 93.00, 


This Afternoon 
and To-night 

All 3]at«. 3Sc. Em, 
'JSr, 00c and 70c. 


ciiiLunnv iiihT nr; a< roui-AMt:!* 
nv 'i'iii:m i'\jii;m>. 

UOLL, CO.VriiST AT ALI. .i|A'ri>EE5. 

The Charity Ball 


TO-MOIll AT S.l,'>. MAT. SAT. 
\Mtli ObCAR F1I>.1IA.V, 

puiti:s : 

i;vt;s.. BOc TO 
.^lA'i's., .->nc 'ro $1.00 


m:ats Mi\\' M l.l.l.M.. 
*ïco, .Hc.UiiiinK' 1.11 <i >l .Tlu.^lcal 
Couicil^ , 

Brinpg l!p Fetiier 

•10 ri;<) 


i.i; — 


M I .M . 

iil I .S. 
to Sl.OO 
ami TSf 

.ll.Vri.MjU IJAILI, 
Ilonicr li. 3la«an, iCriuirusc I'our, 
MarKDcrKpKeelcr, ...f..., ,,„,, 
KlnB«(on A: Ebucr, ' ,."2"b,„„„ 

.Mnudr JIullcr, """ »»">wii, 

"The Lllll« lËvcrmt'K Monkey*, 

Stran(;rr."M. Ilovcr A Staler, 
I'litlirS rinzctli*. 
Sl'MD.lV — Fvuturi' l oiu rt 1-. 

^'t : I' M. 7 IVM. 

ET Y Burlesqu* 

Afternoon ISc to 3Se 


Trices EvenlBE, ISc to T6a 


Vandertlle'a Orcatcat UntcrUlncr, 


For three da>s, commencing Sun- 
day, Pauline I'redcrlck will be seen in 
two roles In the same production at 
the Imperial. This is the first time 
that the great Famous Players star, 
who recently appeared in "Zata" and 
"Bella Donna," has ever been seen on 
the screen In widely different charac- 
terizations. In this Paramount pic- 
ture, "The Spider4," Miss Frederick 
plays \ alerle St. Cyr, a notorious Par- 
isiau beauty, and her abandoned 
daughter. Jean Marche. In addltlou' 
to Pauline Fi'edcrlck, the cast in- , 
eludes such distinguished names 0.1 ' 
Frank Losce, of " Old Homestead 1 
fame; Holding and Others of| 
equal renown. 

has arranged for tJie personal ap- 
pearance of Miss Mtnter, and she will 
be seen on Wednesday and Thursday, 
both afternoon aud evening, in Ib.o 
performance nt S o'clock and iu the 
evening at 0 o'clock. 


The concert given every Saturday 
afternoon ut i! o'clock at the imperial, 
which latits about half an hdiir'., Vlil 
include the following selections Ibla 
wcbk; Jubal Overture, Weber; Casse 
Nû'lèétto Suite, Tschalkovsky (1, 
Danse Trepak; Dance of thé ijugar 
I'i uni Fairy; 3, Valso Des.neuVs); 
Intermezzo (William Ratclifte),'Mae- 
cagiii; Vilanelle (Miss Marlon Lou- 
don). DcU'Acqua; Bacchanale, Glaz- 

coctlon of mirth, melody and song is 
based on tlie popular comics of 
George McManus, and is sponsored by 
.Manager Gus Hill, whoso name vc- 
qui es scant Inii'oduction to iV.Iow- 
urs 01 local theatricals. The pli" 's 
out of tbe licuten path, and has been prai.'ied by cintics all over 
the country, because of Us origina-l 
features, treatment of thème, catehy 
music, novciUcs, surpi'iscs aud al'.- 
round entertaining qualtliei. Dull- 
ness has not been pèrmlllc-1 to find 
acdcss into its ranks, while the dti- 
loguo and situations are so spiritod 
and cfrcrvcsccnt that one must al- 
wiiys bo on tho alert to catch the good 
things that tlie action and plot unfold. 
A strong and competent compiny has 
been engaged, and no detail has beon 


Little Mary Miles Minter, the young- 
est star in the world, Who played the 
stellar role in the stage production of 
"Tbe Little Rebel." will be seen on 
the screen on Wednesday and Thurs- 

ouuoff. , 

The Itaeehanalc is the famous piece i overlooked to make the offoi'Ing one 
I lo which Madame Pavlowa danced, ' to be remembered and cnjoyod. If a 
[and tie Casir Nolictto ia beard .nil : largo advance rale is any criterion. 
I too rarely on concert platforms, hav- 1 engagement bids fadr lo bo the 
ling regard to its charm and neauiy. banner one of the season. TafSi will 
Tbe:. following Saturday the Imperial | be no advauce in prices, and matinees 

What's On 

^y'lll once again prove its<^r a patron 
of local talent by the engagement of 
Mr. H. Hunt Duiubrill, who ai^t^oars 
all that week at this progréiAfe'tBë' 
atrë; and will sing at tbe 'tPop" cou' 

day in "Barbara Friotcbic ' at tho Im- CÇRt on Saturday, Febniary . 36..,, .Mr. 
pcrlal, the big five-part feature pic- ! Dumbrlll is the possessor of one of 
tiire Just produced by Popular Plays 'the finest hai-itone voices in Canada, 

and Players for release on tbe rcfu- 
lar Metro prosranimc. 'l'h\n brillidiil. 
young ?tar will have the support of 
un exceptional cast, beaded hy 
Thomas W- WblffeiT, who njqiieç htr 
debut on the screen after more. VnVt 
fifty years of wonderful euccms on 
tbe speaUnc stage. Guy Coom)^, tbe 
popular leading man, is aaotacr metp- 
bcr of the notable cast. 
A( a special attraction, the Imperial 

and is very fawrably kuo^^n in Mont- 
real, having !<ung at numerous ton- 
corte aud other soulul function.^. 

imi.NuixG i.r l AiiiKi!. 

A 'treat 'of unuSual proportlonc Is 
promised at tho Prlnceas Theatre tbe 
week of pehn^ry 31, where this suo* 
ctvHiul cartoon comody in tnree acts. 
"Bringing Up Father." Is underlined 
to hold the boaxds. This merry cou- 

wlll be held on Wednesday and Satur- 

A C THE LOM>05. 
The progranmie at tbe London for 
the ibrfQ days commencing Monday 

will feature Cyril Scott In "The Lords 
of Higil Decision." This photoplay Is 
from the famous novel by Meredith 
Nicholson. C'yiil L:folt is one of the 
bet.t Kiiov.u :,iaib on Broadway, and 
tbe pividuci I . have given bin almost 
au all-slo!' caat. 

In the run of things tbe smasblùj 
big scenes taken in tbe steel mills a( 
Pituhurg are imneiiiiè- Cyril is a 
young man out of coUcgo. who It 
aghast at bomc of the methods of bigb 
finance' as sboiva by bis father's be- 


10.00— Arts 'IS-'n hockey pracUco. 

11.00— Macdonald CoUose girls vs. 
U.V.C., R.V.C. rink, 

11.00— Arts '18 hockey practice. 
13.00— Medicine '16 and '17 hockey 

1.00— .\rts 'ID hockey practice 
L'.OO— McGill Junioi-s vs. Shamrock;;, 

4.00— Skating, Campus Itiuk.— wickstoed Gym. compeiilion 


.S.OO — Fencing practice, McGill 

5.30— Gym. class. 

5.45— Swimming practice, 

S.OO— McGiU vs. North Branch V.M. 
C. A., basketball. 

Sl'.\D.\V, .IIOADAV .6 TtlOSOAY 

i)AMi:i, l•I(ollM ^^ i^irvnu, 


The Spider 

L:.\TU.\ SI'ECTAL >Ved. A Thnri. 

Barbara Frietchie 

JIIkb Sllntcr \\ ill \l-.t. \p| 
In I'tTAOn on (lir .Miisc UcUni-.\- 
day and ThuritUay. 



Feb. 20— C.O.T.C. parade, 8 a.m. 
Feb. 21— Students' Council meeting, 

5 p.m. 

Feb. 21— Arts '1«.'17 vs. Law. 12 

Feb. 21— "Ut" executive raoeting. 8 

Feb. 22— American Club smouer. 
Feb. 26— McGllI Vs. Wcslniount, bas- 
ketball. 8 p.m. 


OpponKc I'lillllpa S^iiaare 

The Rcj)rc>iioii of 

From the IVovet by 71axivell Gray 

LI KII. M OTl' ;n 

The Lords o! Hlili Oecision 

Id Five Acta. 

From ihc ÎVorrl l>r Meredith 

TMll;sl•v^ \MJ I'niu.w 

i;i:iiAMiiM; r Ann An in 

In ri»c -IctK. 

Uonal nc'.^biiitiicr ^tory in two parts, 
with oUicr unc-recl .■\il>jtcta, will lift 
in order om ;- the v. rcl.-cnd. and com- 
pri<>o a sood iKosramiuc 

■'flolly'f- Sci'Oll " i.- a llOV. ; -MliOl 

~ — ■ — — ... -== o;' ilic iii'iuiiili of tlcfint mcth- 

nevolenl .xsiiniilaUon uf hinall miue- oda oyer tho: c of .m Uuv. .n.'urnali.^m. 
owner*;, laboi'lng Dien and othcrp, and ]Tbi! drama, ^^ll;ch i; in two rcelf. 
how he deals with his father is (Jealt serves as an excellent vehicle for the 

strong cast, headed by Louise Lovely, 
the charmingly prott.v. litue actress, 
who bas at last succeeded in finding 
a screca name which suits her. 

with right to the end of things. 

"Tho Reproach . of Annesley," . in 
throe acts, from tb6 novel by Maxwell 
Gray, and "Dolly's Scoop," a ecnsa- 

Satuvdnv. Feliruaw lf>, 1016. 

ir c G T L t, TJ A T L Y , 


Letters of Thanks for Christmas 
Boxes Are Received. 


Item? ol" Inl'ornuitioii in Regard 
tu Jlcn W ho Have Joined 
the Ranks. 

TUc following lettoi'.<i bavo been re- 
rclvcJ by iho prcaldcut and sccrclaiy, 
'..■>;H-i-ti\fIy, of tbc Science Tacully, 
fi lm men at tlic from, in thanks to." 
tbc scncrous manner in which the 
class rcnicmbcrcil Uiem ai Christmas. 
The letter from Lieut. G. P. :MucUlov, 

of the 17th Northumberland l'usillerà, 
iâ ns follows: 

Dear Sir,— I am writing to thank 
tbc Sctcuco uudersraduatcs o( .McG;il 
for the parcel of good things y>hirU 
.•uiKed tlic titlicr <la>. Tuey v.-oie 
very wclcjine, «ml I appreciate very 
iiiui'h tlic thoughtfulness or tbc Sd- 
i iico nu ll. 

'I'lii'i-t' aiL' ihroo oihcv McGlll ruca 
ill till' Uattalion — .^Icssra- iiOcocU, 
WuiiKlaj and Gordon— all belongins to 
tlic Science Faculty. 

I have not f(.fn anything of tlie .Mc- 
L'oiiUngcnts over hero i\a yet, but 
oi course it is very unlikely laat I 

The other, from Lieut. T. C. Han- 
ingtcn. Scl. '17, serving with' the lltti 
Battery, 3rd Artillery Brigade, reads: 
Dear Mv. Secretary: 

Just to thank you and all tbc 
cnuo Undersrads. for the little box 
that turned up the other day. n must 
have been delayed somewUerr, Imt 
that dlilni inaitcr. \Vc have enjoyed 
ilic i:uiiiints a tiieat deal, and it is 
I jimoniiii; to Knov, tliat you bivc le- 
jurrabcrcd us lu ^ucb a ulcc fashion. 

.Met. auoiiicr -^ci, 17 chap the other 
day and be icniarkcd that you see 
more JJcGill incu bcrc than you do ;n 
Montreal, and I almost believe it'j 
true- I 111.1 dozens of them lately 
— grads. and undcrgrads— and it 
makes a fellow feel very proud of the 
Old Place. 

Once again, many thanks, and hero's 
hoping wo will be back with you fur 
• Christmas and thcii back to McGill 
V'on the double." 

li- James Hadlcy. Sci. 'H, is serving 
as corporal in tbc Signalling Corps, 
third Canadian division. 

Non ins ns r.iajui' w :th No- 21.' Oencral 
Hospital, Briiisb I;;xpcditionary t'oi-ce. 

W. J. M'ilsou, sci. '13, is alUcbod as 
lieutenant to the 74th Overscas Dat> 
lallou, Canadian Expeditionary Force. 

Lieut. Itcay .Mackay, Arts "17, ia sta- 
tioned with the 6tth Battalion at Hali- 
fax, .V.S. The 64th is one of the Cana- 
dian units recently chosen to i>rocecd 
overseas at au e.irly date. Lieut. Mac- 
kny s home Is In Rotliesay, N.B. 

Captain G C. Coi lx-t. Med. OS. of St. 
John. ha^i been ,i;iunti>d leave. lad 
will be home scon on a visu to his 
family. Dr. Corbet went over with 
the first contingent. His leave has 
been granted to allow h Ira to recuper- 

Lieut. C. N. Shanlcr, past student. 
Is now in Eff}pt with No. 5 BrlOglng 
Train, Uoyal ISngiaoors. Lieut. Shan- 
ly bas been' cngaged in iuslnictlou in 
both England and France for some 
months. He was with Science '11 fo 
two sessions. 


C!a?s of Medicine '19 Gets Ex- 
pression of Appreciation for 
Tving Cook Celebration. 

The following letter has* baon r:- 
ccivcd from the 14Sth Battalion, 
C.E.F. U speaks for Itself: 

February }S, 1916. 
To iho President of the Medical Un- 
dergraduates' Class, 1919. McGiIl 

Sir,— We desire to thank you on be- 
half of the 14$th Ch-crseas Battalion 
for your very able and great assist- 
auce to us in our concert on Mônday 
night last. It was at your euggeetion 
that this entertainment took place, 
and the results have boon most gratl- 
fyius. You will be pleased to hear 
that throiisb the scucroeliy of one of 
lUc friends of tdio battalion we re- 
ceived a clicquc which more than cov- 
ered the e.\p«uBûs In connection wifJi 
the cntcrtaiamcnt, and. as a result of 
this, tho net profit to our regimental 
fund will reach very nearly tho sum 
of ?1,700. 

Tliroush you we desire to thank 
the .McGlll Mandolin Club and the Mc- 
Gill Quartette for their kind assist- 
ance also, and once more to express 
to you, sir, and to the undergraduates 
of Medicine 1919 our deep apprecia- 
tion of what you hare done for us in 
this matter. 

raithfuUy yours, 

(Signed) \v. BABEU, Lieut., 

For Concert Commiitoe. 

Douglas S. Colo, Sci. "13, is serving 
an lieutenant in the 77th Overseas 
IJattalion. C.E.P., at Ottawa. Ltcu 
Cole was formerly attached to the 
Covcrnor-Oenoral's Foot Guards, Cin- 
adian militia. 

Dr. E. P. S. Richards, Med. '05, is 


NONE- sa EaSY 



The first hockey match of the sea- 
son will be played this morning at 10 
uclock betwcCiU Macdonald Colie^o 
and the B. V. C. Tho following is tho 
R.V.C. team: Forwards, F, McLaren, 
M. Currie jind R. Potter; defence, M. 
Spier and H. Fraser; goal, P. Greer; 
spares, W. Wyatt and D. Lewis. 


- j master, select places' foivi their com- 
Ipauy fires and will send a fatigue to 


L'pon Ui€ "Pall in ' beins i-oiiudcd, 
I jcotiipanies win fall in. lu close col- 

(Conlinued from Page 1.) ro"coI,u.?n'v o m'.: '""''"'""V '"" 

line coiniiany Q..\I.!-,. (,|- nclci-icd .N.L'.Ci. 

3 and 4. Firtb Overseas LnivcisiliCB I w ith fatigur will hp sent to receive 

Company: e^r.i No?, ô nud 0. .\ co..jcoi"fee from tbc uuartcrmastêr. (See 

McGlll C.O. r.i.'.; car .No. 7. off iccr.T ; . instructiona issued by 

ears .Vos. S and 0, B Co.. McGill CO. Iter. i 




(Continued from Page 4.) 
Secretary, the nominations shall 
signed by leu active members. 

'I'bi; active members of tbc 
i faculties shall elect Ibeir own reprc 

T.C.: cars Xos. 10 and 11. D Co., Mc-| Company an.I dota.I comii!and*rs I S'"''" ""^ """" '-'"^"'«'t'^^ "y 

will be respousiblc that coffee Is "is ' ° 

Gill C.O.T.C. 

on ihe la;it Tliiirsd.iy in '?.(■{>- 

« v!,^nt.-;nc * •ni^ii-v U-I1I ho nnai n.1 cii^^ri ir. .1.. . , . " — .|tcinbpr. TliT noniUiatluns ill CHcli lase 

&cnti!cs. -.\ sonny vMU ne posted sued to the men of their eomnanlea i -, i i j . , n- j 

of n.^, i,vith ord»r «nH <»n,.iiv ^"'"I'aa'w .■îhall be handed in by the Tuesday 
4 A,««!Lm^ ^"r^^" ■ P'ecoding. and shall be Mgned by five 

lun.i, t ""'"•"^T"'"'"''"-'' active members from the respective 

lunch blank ammunition will bo Issued faculties 
hy tho nuartermastcr to tlie Q. M. 

at front and rear entrance of cars 
l^latoon sergeants will arrange for 
necessary reUefs> 

9. Res^msntal Baggage.— AH bag- 
gage and baggage transport must ar- 
rive at station platform before U.25 
a.m. Baggage will be loaded into bag- 
gage car at head of train immediate- 

10. Discipline.— Officers will remain 
with tliolr men uutii train bas cleared 
the depot. No smoking, cheertug or liy a red flag, 
talking is lo be permitted until train By order, 
Is well clear of depot. Men must uoi 
move (roiii their respective cars with- 
out ordci. No one is lo be permitted 
lo ride ou car plaiCwm. 

11. Arrival at Destination.— On 
ncaring destination officers will join 
their men. On arrival, "markers" will 
bo sounded. Company markers will 
immediately leave the train and will 
be placed by the battalion sergeant- 
major. Tho formation ^^-lll be battal- 
ion In line facias south-west on the 
station road. 

12- Detraining.— On the "Fall in" 
being sounded, men will leave the 
train, clear the platform, and fall in 
immediately on their markers. Men 
must not. ou any account, leave the 
train uutll the "Fall In" is sounded. 
Baggage ^nll be unloaded Immediate- M"8 ^ 

1". Entraining fo Return Jourucy.— 
The force will cniraiu at Ste. Anne do 
Bollcvue at 5.10 p.m. On arrival at 
tho BtatiuD. Siguallers, Scouts, Band 
and Fifth Unlv^ivitics Company will 
enter plattttrm by tho steps at the 
cast side of the building. A, B and 
D Companies, McGill Cont., 'will en- 
ter by west steps. Compaoles will be 
halted facing cars allotted. Platoons 
will be marched inte the care uihiu 
the signal being given- 

14. Detraining at Montreal. — Ou ar 


on requisition signed by the staff bl» 

5. Alarm Post.- In case of the 
''alarm" being sounded tbe men will 
fall In ou tbeir piled arms. 

6. noriorls.— Reports will be sent to 
licidniiartors. which will be marked 

Capt. and S. 0. Red Detached Force. 


Lake of Two :\loun!ains, 

Fob. 20, lOlG. 
lîefcrence Map — McQili c. 0. T. C- 

If any office .«iball become prema- 
turely vacant by resignation or oth- 
erwise, the rrcsidoni shall cause 
notice thereof lo be given and shall 
cause an election to be held. 

(o) The election tball be by ballot. 
The ballots shall be printed and sup- 
plied through the Secretary, who shall 
arrange for the conduct of the elec- 
tion. The polls shall be open for ve* 
ceiving ballots between 9 a.m. and 6 
p.m, on the day of tho election. 

(6) The President shall appoint two 
scrutineers to assist tbc Secretary in 
cbuh.ilng the ballots. 

15-.MtET1>-GS. . 
The Annual Meeting of the Union 
shall be held ou tho last Thtirsday 
evening in September. Ono-tentb of 
tbe active members shall form a 
quorum for the . transaction of busl- 

Luminous Dial 


Bivlis' Luminous Dial Military Wrist Watch is the 
Ideal Watch for the Soldier on Active Service. 

Sturdily made, with a Heavy Sterling: Silver Case 
and Leather Strap Bracclot, filtod \\ itli a liftccii jewel- 
led movement, designed to withstand unusual usage. 

Patent Luminous Dial and Hands, which enable the 
wearer to x*ead the time in the dark. 

Price $13.50 Net. 


Limited < 

QoLD d Silversmiths 


No. 1 

1. Information. — A hosUIc Dliio 
Force, two comiianles of Infantry 
without machine guns, is oiitrencheil 

on high ground at Golf Links at Sen- 1 ""*' Annual Meeting the Tre.^* 

ncvlllc.' The enemy's Kosition faces | Present bis report for the 

.N'.E., is semi-circular iu form with 
front of 200 yards. Left flank rests 
on bigli sionc watei- lower. 

•i. luicnUûu.— The O.C. Ihe lied De- 
tached Force intends to attack, direct* 
flank aiuok from the woods 
00 yards souili-casi of Golf Club 
lIouEc against enemy's right flank, 
and a froutal attack from the north- 
east agaiu.'-i tho enemy's centre. 

3. Flank Aitaclc (Capt. Howard, A 
Co., McGill; D Co.. .McGill) — The 
flank attack will march at once, mov- 
ing cast of Forgct's Woods to a point 
In woods 1.500 yards south-east of 
Golf Club House, and attack the cn- 
eniy's right on a front of rJ5 jardo- 



(I ) The Constitution may be amend- 
ed by icsulution i-ussed by a majority 
of two-tblrda of tho members present 
and voting at' the Aunual General 
Meeting or at a Special fleeting called 
for the purpose, and of which one 
month's notice shall bave been given 
by posting a notice setting out tho 
proposed amendment on tbe notice 
board of the Union, but such amend- 
ment shall not come into force until 
sanctioned by the Adrlsory Board. 

(3) Airme'iubcrs of the Union shall 
be entitled to vote on business other 

rival at Montreal "Markers" will bei '"^"^"'^^"^ "'""^ '"^"i' "f fauk attack 
sounded, and markers w ill be placed I «' '"'^•i' -i' Sug-dr Cami>, Morgan's 
by battalion sergeant-major. The; '^^l^'" >"ove west along 

formation will be battalion In line ^Io'S*a's Hoad lo au open gate near 

4. Frontal Attack (.Major McKer-!than the election of officcre or; 
gow, 5th Overseas Universities Com- : changes in tho Constitution. On these j 
liany)— Tbc frontal aitaok will follow i nuestions only Active. Life and Foun-j 

datiou Members may vote. I 

facing north. Fifth Overseas UHitver- 
sities Company on the right. When 
the "Fall in" sounds tbe men will de- 
train and fall in on th«ir markers. 
By order, 

Capt. and S. O. Red Detached Force. 

Ste. Anne de Belierue, 

February 20, 1915. 
Reference Map^McGiil C.O.T.C. No, 


Elm Tree east of Ste. Anno-SenncvUlo 
road, and develop an attack on' a 


Special meetings of the Union shall 

be called by the President. 

(1) When petitioned to do .so iu 

f.-nni»n.„ «f 7- ......1- „ , , . writing by twenty-five active mcm- 

fi outage of 7o yards on enemy's front u_„ 

Af ÎI. nnint 7." vnrfla Ane* ' 

(:>) When required to do so by the 


\ black silk scarf, in Engineering 
Building or :Mln!ing Building, or be- 
tween same- Finder please leave with 
the janitor of Engineering or Mining 


Stanford. Jr.. UnivciEity athletic auth- 
orities have accepted an Invitation to 
bold a dual track and field meet wiib 
the University of Michigan al Ann 
Arbor late in May or nearly in Juso 
this year. 

1. Information — Tbe O. C. Red De- 
tached Force Intends to bivouac in the 
small bay jutt north or .Morgan's 
Point to await information as to 
movements of tbe enemy. 

2. Prfttectlûû,— On arrival at thé 
bivouac, the O. C. adTsnced guard will 
Immediately arrange tor outpost pro- 

S. Routine.— On arrival at the biv> 
ouac tbe whole of the force (less por- 
tion of advance guard employed 1n 
protection) will form mass 
left In the following order: 

.Mtcdonald l»llege Contingent and 
A Co., McGill; B Co., .^IcGlll CO. T, 
C; D Co., .McGill C.O.T.C; 5th Over- 
seas Universities Co.; Scouts. Signal- 
lers and stretcher-bearers In rcaj-. 

Arms will be piled and orders will 
be given to fall out for five minutes. 

As soon as the men have fallen out, 
the company and detail commanders 
will, under direction of the quartèr* 

at a point 73 yards cast of Golf Club 
House. It will not move from Mor- 
gan's Wood until flank attack is in Board 
position in woods 1,60a yards south 
of Golf Club House. 

5. General Reserve (.Major Harri- 
son, Macdonald College, CO. T. O — 
The general reserve win accomjiany 
tbe flank attack, taking up a position 
in woods 400 yards to the south-east 
of flank attack. 

6. Pursuii (Major Harrington, whole 
torcej— As soon as enemy is driven 
from position, the Red Force will 
form up and pursue vigorously. 

7. Transport (Captain Hyde)— The 
transport will leave tbc bivouac after 
tbe lied Detached Force has cleared, 
and proceed south along the Ste. 
Aune-Senneville road, keeping well in 
rear of frontal attack. 

8. Reports — Reports win be sent to 
Elm Tree on .Morgan's Road east of 

on the ! Ste. Annc-SenncvUlc Road during the 
] atuek. 
By order, 

Ca,pi. and S. 0. Red Detached Force. 


Re-modelling Sale 

Balance of Suits 
and Overcoats 

Values up to $28 



Temporary Location 
. During Alterations 

A fift C^tJierine Street West 
T.'UO 3 doors West of Metcalfe St. 




You Can Help Us 

by making it a mle to buy 
exclusively^from McGill Daily 
Advertisers. Also, don't for- 
get to let the dealer know you 
saw his ad. in our columns. 

This costs you nothing-and is 
surely the leasT: return that can 
be expeded by the Advertisers 
who support our publication. 


Advertisers ! 



Finance Committee or tbe Advisory 

.\t siiL-h mceiiuss one-tenth of tbc 
active members shall form a quorimi. 


Any member may be censured, fined 
Or suspended from the Union, r.hcn in 
the opinion of a majority of the mem- 
bers of tbe House and Finance Com- 
mittees inesent in joint session, al a 
meeting specially calleil for the pur- 
pose, his conduct merits such aclio\. 

For expulsion, a majority of three- 
fourths of the members of these t-n-o 
committees present at such a meeting 
shall be required. 

No member shall be expélled with- 
out the opportunity of appearing in 
person before a joint meeting of these 
two committoes. Tbe member shall 
bare at least ten days' notice of tbe 
charge against him, and of the place! 
date and hour of the Aieeting, and tpay 
be beard it his own defence. 

A Barber Shop of Quality 

WHERE one is not anuoycil by bcinc soliciteti 
for everything on Ihe'ciilcrulai-. 

WHERE you can entrust your ILiir-cutor Slutvo 
^ to 11 barber who is au artist at hisciaft. 

WHERE tberc b courtesy tli:iL pleases and every' 
Ibiiig 19 sanitary, from fixtures to shav- . 
ing brush. 

That's what I've Established Here 

at 16,1 PKEL STREET, corner olSt. Calbcriur 
under Touke'i. 

.T. W 

(Continued from Page 1.) 
from a mpriiber:ibiii of a uiiaiug 
Siadtmto In M is .•rrtltute. 

Jir lîL'Il > ?s ably aeslstcd by .Mr. 
Werner ic ^iv'ni; bumorous carl;i>- 
turcs in tbc form v)f d>:des on tho d.;- 
(crent students in tbe mining coursé, 
and the members cf the staff u! tiiiji 

A few words n ere given in cèuc'.u- 
^ion by Prif. Hvant and Dr. Suidb- 
fitld. The m*.eilng Uicu gave a bea-iy 
tote'of thanks tu all who so ably sun- 
ui»red thoir ta.'.'.n: or bervicea to mnUe 
the meeting the success it was. Thor; 
was quite a (air attendance al ihia 
meeting, both by tbe miners of tl^e 
Junior and Senior years, and by thoKe 
men of the first and second years, 
wbo ai c tu become Interested in min- 
ing ultimately. 

{ All tboce Tvho would desire to go on 
'the mining triii this fall will report 
j their case to Dr. Porter, wbo Is going 
lo confer with the gorerning board as 
to the probability of a trip this spring. 

mns. COURSE starts.; 


4S« «T. OATax:R]>*i: sr. w. 

9HOUV CALL : CP. auss 

r>ni] Tear Hen at the r. of T. Join 
Svliuul of Inttnictton for A>3I.C> 

A school of instruction for modital 
doctore detlrous of qualifying for com- 
missions with tbc Army .Méditai 
Torp», has begun at l'o-unto in con- 
juac^pn Yltb tbe scbool of infantry. A 
great siasy city doctors as w«l| ,^, tlie 
entire graduating class of the faculty- 
of medicine, are enrolling at the 
school. _ . . . 

Tocbnical instruction, such as am* 
bulance w*ork and field surzer: aro 

Printed for tbe I'ublisDors-^Tbc Stu- 
dents' Council of McUlll Unlverslly 
->by The Financial Times Prefs, 
S33.S35 Craig 8tr«et, Moatfeal. 



Only members of the Union shall 
have ni-i-PBs to the Mails of tho Union. 
I except that prrflous not qualified for 
I membership, when accompanied by 
members, may have tbe privilege of 
the building-. 

CThis shall not apply to any room 
or t'ooms which may have been grant- 
ed to any society, while in use for the 
meeting of such society.) 

Persons aualifled for membersbip 
may visit only once a month, but may 
attend subscription dances, concerls, 
etc., held In tbe building. 

ïhc building shall be open during; 
the College year on week days and uu ; 
Sundays from 7.30 a.m. to 11 p.m,; the 
grill room until 11.45 p.m. dn week 

Tbr billiard room will o|ien al 10 
a.m. on Saturdays and at 1 p.m. on 
other week days. No game of billlarUs' 
shall be begun after 10.30 p.m. j 
All damage to periodicals, furniture 
or other property shall bo paid for by 
the person causing It, and may be 
considered cause for suspension or oj-i 
pulsiôn from the Union. I 
No profane or objectionable Ian-| 
guage shall be used in tbe building, i 
NO betting or gambling shall be per- 
mitted in tbe building. 

.No meetings shall be held without 
the consent of the Mouse Commillee. 
and applications for tbc use of rooms' 
shall bo made to tbc Sccretar.". 

No alcoholic liquor.i shall he used 
or served in the building, au'l no in-' 
toxicatcd person tihall be admitted. I 
Members shall have the privilege of! 
having their mall addressed in care 
of tho Union. ] 
All members in good standing shall 
be furnished with membership cards. 

Members sball be required to show 
tb9lr membership cards when request- ; 
ed to (lo so. 

Any transfer of a member's cardj 
sliaJl be sufficient cause for expulsion. ' 

.Viembcrs are requested not to give' ,., „,„ .i.- 
gratuities to atundants: those offend- i ^ ^' "^"'P'»'» "\« 
ing arc liable to suspcnpion. ' f new course. A pon,oa 

Iho lectures will aleo bo given .i; 

night for the convenience of students. 

Although all the fifth-yrar students 
are enrolling in the school of 'Instruc- 
tion, tlte report that tbey had Joined 
an English hospital at ûrpington in a 
body «-as denied by Dean Clarke. The 
Dasn statod, however, that many doc- 
tors wbo were at pioscut tulviag tbe 
cpurac would .'ifiply to;- posit;rins lu 
Ci'ilLsh ho&piiJla aUcr iiualifyiui. 


Purity — Quality - 8ervio« 



........ WmL IStl. 

aiSMELViLLr Avr.. nr.sTMuiniT. 

Flowers for all Occasions 


or. SOS* 



Miss M. Poole, 45 McGill College Ave. 



Dr7 rrrnck CIcanlas. Rp- 

SalrlBf, D7«iac mm* PrcMlns 
«•■(Ir 4mm« ea «kort aellee^t 
rcaseaakle prices. 

▲ PMlrard will racalT* 
•ar UBae«U4a atteatiea. 
Kt»» Sail* Md* ai» ttam 7oar 
•wa watcrUI If 4ealrc4. Bast 
aattalaetlaa aaaraalaed. 

77 Prince ArUrar Street West 

■rM3 'Wcilrm A>r. Wcrilmount 1TS7. 


Oetasric Pbyslcal Ciillarc, 'X olro Prn. 
Anrtlan. Plairarin Oratory. Taucht 
ky TkaraaKkIr V'Ptr>*nc«t Taather 
— Trrm* .Moderate. Phone (or Ap- 



Wc send for aud deliver 
prescriptions promptly 

Plionc Up 949 

471 Bleury Street 

(Near Sherbrooke) ' 

being furnished by the assistant dir. 
ector of tbc .Aledical Corps. Sergeant- 
instructors tor drill purpose* are be- 
ing- prorldod by L,ieut.-CQl. Lang, of 
tbe'P-'S. Tm tvbo l6 in charge of tba 
n««r scbdol. 

Those nedicaJ undsrgraduates who 
have attended the requisite numD.-i uf 
drills In the OKicers' Ttaintsg Cu.vs 



Repairs while you wait 
—Prices Reasonable— 


Lptowo 3250 



There Is Economy in Quality' 




Constitution Outlines Those Entitled to Membership, the Objectsof the Union, Kesulalions Re- 
gardinR Admission, Duties of the OlTiccis, Standing Committees, Nominations and Elec- 
tions, Amendments, Pcnalticà. Which Render Members Liable to Suspension, and House 
Uulcs. 1 . . • . I 

In Older that studcnls may become t positavy of all tnoneyB, '^sign all 
familiar with provisions of Ibe ■ i'lic(iues, and shall Uave direct access 
lonsrauiiou ol ilic .MtiliU I l'nni iln' buuks of all ricparimcnis ni 
wliii h is slioi lly lo hi. ainciulid and i such timcs_ as he licsircs. He shall 
bioughi up to dale, tbc consiitulton is ] have Bcnoial supervision over all 
hcrcwiih published. Students arc i huoks of aitounts. 
urged lo keep this article and loiii- i Hi 'I'bp Sci retary shall keep inin- 

Winter Hosiery 

In Thread, Silk, \\oo\. Cashmere and Mixtures 
suitable for the Climatic changes prevalent this 
time of year. 

Priced SI, .75. .00, .2r> the pair, 

Men's Furnishinss Department. 

i:\cUisivo Kofirc-eiiiathcs: 

I'ifth ATCUue Hals 

P I'lolbes Sbup> 


■J-J) St. J»mfs Si. 

West End : 

^li.'l St. t alhcrint- W. 


— Ky I'. J. K. 

l3irORTA>'T A>>Ol.>(EMrvr. 

For liic first time in years we are 
fioins to. break one of the unwritten 
rules of the column, and print an 
entirely original joke. This will come 

match»: "Down in front! Down In 

Frcshle: "Who told them I was try- 
ing to . raise a rooustuchc, I wonder?" 


pare it with the amendments wbitli 
will be published at a later date. 


(Il The cxprcRsiott "student of ibo 
L'nivorsii> ' uioaus a siudciU rcgisier- 
td as a ïiaduato siudciit, iindergradu- 
air. cuudiiioued sluUcul or .partial 

U'J 'I'he cxiircs.<;ioii '■incinbcr of thi' 
I iiivpisiiv ■ means a Govcrnur, I'nii- 
(ipal. I'ciluw, UffiLcr of InsiruLiion 
ipasl or lupsenli. giadiialp of Ihr 
Linvris;l>. l-ibraj-iaii. liin-.'-ar, Rcsis- 
liar 111 mnnlirr of ibr administrative 
staff " iioii- Man:;, is i ccoguizcd iu the 
tnivcrsiiy Calendar. 

(3) The expression ' foinicr stu- 
dent" means any person who, having 
been an iiiidi'i graduate for at K'asl 
one year, has left iu good iitaudlng. 

rhe name shall be The McGill 
Union. I 
!l-OR.IECTS. 1 

The object of Ihc Uuiuu slmll br luj 
serve as a social centre for all stu- 
dents and members of the University, 
as a place of wholesome amusement 
and recreation, and as the lica<l«4uai- 
lers of the various soclcHes and clubs 
councclcd with the l iiivrrsily. 


The mcmbersbip shall c ou.»-!."^! oC: 
(1) Active Members.— Tbcbc ;.hall 
be students of llio University. 
(21 Associate Members— These sha'il 

as somewhat of a surprise to the con [.M .n.u rvor Kno. ,i,;u ,i,rvr ,s a , members of Ibe University, or of 
itant readers of ibis corner of ihc ' I"' I'l -^ywliol'su» «"unii tod with a 
paper, but they need not be alarmed |<l«^'' o; cards? Hearts, for instance, 
because it can t be any worse than 
some of the stuff we have printed in 
the past.. All. ready, Mr. .Lntpr., bore 


TiEffrrrFrlday nigbt. 
J?lace-rUaion. . 

First l^tude: "Say, Alexander, let's 
to HoWn' to the Princess and sec a 
•Pair of Sixes,'" 

lj«c6nd Stude: "Augb, no. Let's so 
over to the Conversât, and see a pa!-' 
of Queens." 

... A BATTLE $U£>'£. 

Within the toreraost rank, 

A brftTe old captain stood, 
Foaiescing but one sbanb. 

Within which flowed bis blood. 

But btrlns had recourse 
To art, he walked upon 
X Wooden les. which seemed 
' To Kelp bim well aJong. 

Now.- in a.charse a cannon ball 
Had struck the wooden limb; 

He tumbled o'er, his comrades stopped 
.Alarmed, and gazed at him. 

Said one, "Quick; Quick! A surgeon. 

Another, "Fetch some water." 
But he with features srave and calm, 
: Said, -"Brlns mc a carpenter." 

any College affiliated ihciolo. aud foi- 
j I mer students who reside wliljin a 

..V. r i',, 1 . .. . 1 » radius of ten miles from Montreal. 
. ;•, i""^^-.'"''^' "'Sl'i ' held a; Associate Non-Residout Mem- 
spade llush ngamsl four aces and 1 ..-rbeae shall be members of the 
naatouig. . inivrrsliy and former students who 

reside outside a radius of ten mile.'> 
from .Montreal. 

di Life .\Icnibcrs 

Some people have called our alien- : 

lion to an article appearing In one of 
the city papers the othcu day dealing 
with the worst poet on earth (in their 

the city papers the othcu day dealing 1 ^^^.j^.^.p;; ^l^'^'Z 

Mtcs (if all luociin.ç.^. except those of 
the .\<lvi:iury l3oaid: shall receive sulj- 
stiiiii lulls for niciiilicrship. and sh:i^l 
also have i.hai ge, subjerl lu the Trea- 
surer, of the general books of account 
of tlic Inion. lie shall report once a 
nionlh lo the I'iuaucc Committee. 

I 'I .\n Assistant Sccrciaiy-Trea- 
surei- may be appointed by the i'l- 
naucf Cumiiiittec to do such work as 
ihe Committee shall allot to blm. He 
: hall also give such assistance to the 
ricasiircr as the latter may require, 
lie »hull receive such remuneration as 
the Finaiuc Ciiiiiniitnc may fix. 

II— .sTi;n AIM). 

'riicir .Miall be a ^tevard appointcil 
by ilii' I'iuaucc Coiiiiuillcr. He shall 
have I'haiso under ihc House C(|ii- 
niitice of ibe catering departineul. 


Tiu suuuling Committees of the Un- 

lull .--li.'ril lio: 

ID The riuaniT Cuniiiiil icc. - This 
.-iluill ruii:.i.l uf llic I'lesldeiil. Vico- 
rrisiflciii. TKasiiici. Scciciaiy. ami 
In addllioii one luciiibcr from the .Ad- 
visory Hoard not being the Treasurer. 
The employees of the bouse shall be 
appointed by ihr Vice-Président wiib 
Ihc approval of this Comiiiiliec. The 
I'lnancc Committee shall once a 
iiioiuh receive reports from the Vicc- 
I'rcsidenl aud Secretary which It may 
amend, and shall homologate the same 
and embody them iu a. report to the 
Advisory Hoard. The Finance Commit- 
tee nhall also submit to the Advisory 
Hoard an Annual Kstiraate of Ex- 

I-') The House Committee. — Thi<« 
Khali roiiv'sl of the Preaidcn!. tbf 
Vli'i i'.i' ml' 111. »liu shall a. t .is 
Clt iin;r.\ii, ai il M M l- active iiicuij, -, 
one Iroiii 'he i!;cully of Law, iV.o 
from Iho Vacuity of Medicine, i\vo 
from Ihe I'ai ulty of .Arts, and twci 



opinion). Evidently the writer had not > 
been a steady reader of this column, i 
The following is a fair specimen of| 
what the editor of Quips bas to face, 
rt does not hold a candle to some ; 
ibiii,-s «c havr luinltd ihoush. 

ooK o.\ Tm. HKAiii or A 


I By Sir Humphrey Wollonas.) j 
Alas, my little fi irncl: and art thou I 
dead? • j 

•.""rushed nr.iib Uu lirfl "f .■^ouie 

unibinkiu.i; iiort. 
W uo uoulcl I'l luotirniug now were 
i.i' lo kllu^v It; 
O'er ten square . Inches' spate Iby ' 
corse is spread 

E'en as the butter on the morning 

Thy liny lace turned blindly to the 


(c> The .\dv.5oi-y Hoard shall, 
wbcucier practicable, act through the 
.^landing Coraniiticcs or Officers of 
the Union. 

tdi The .\dvisoiy Board iiiav. on its 
o«n initiative, consider any icsolu- 
tlon of Huy Committer, and may dis- 
allow the same or refer il to the C'oin- 
niittee from which It emanated for 
further consideration. 


All subscriptions shall be due and 
paid on or bel'orc tin Isi of Otrlobev 
In each year. Dii nr afipr lUe l.'ilh of 
October in each .vrai the nanios of all 
nicmbers whose annual siihsr rlpiiont. 
have not been renewed shall be posted 
i:i the t:nbm. Any member 
name has been then posted shall be 
debarred from all the privilcgo.'? of the 
Union until the subseriptlMi bus been 
paid. Subscriptions sball be as fol- 

(D) For Active Members, $5.0U per 

(2) I'or .\ssoclatc Resident Mem- 
bers, fj.w per anniuu. < 

(3) For Associate Non-Rcsideiii 
Members, $2.00 per annum. 

(4) Life Members.— Any member or 
person eligible for membership may at 
any lime compound for all further 
annual duos \iy paylni; fifty dollars or 
puc-b sum tis .-ball logclbcr vith lb 
aiiioum already paiii as con:~ccnllvo > 
annual Auca make iiii the i=.uiii ol fifi.\ ! 
dollai p .Ml MKUuys subscribed lo- j 
«ards I. iff .\Icnibri .^bip shall be de- 
voted lo Ihe permanent Endowment 
I'liiid of Ihr Union. 

.\ny pri : oil eligible fnr iiirnihrrship 
in the Union, who. before it is formal- 
ly opened, has subscribed ■5r,0.rii'' or 
upwardç, shall, on paymeni of tbi.s 
subscription, be held to have fulfilled 
the requirements of ibis sub-sreilon. 

(5) Foundatiou — Mem- 
bers of the University who, before the 
Union is formally opened, have sub- 
scribed suras of 00.00 or upwaids, 
sball on payment of ihis subscription 
be known as Foundation .Members and 
sball have all the privileges of Life 


And Save Money. 
No Smoke, no 
Soot, and no Sift* 
ing of Ashes. 

The Ideal Fuel for 
Furnace, Grate 
and Stove. 

Sold by 

The Montréal Light, 
Heat and Pnwer Co. 

or Leading 
Fuel Dealers 

The Royal Miiltaiy College 
of Canada 

TflLnr. art (c« nBtlona'. laililuliont nl morn 
•alut lod «ntemt to the couatry than th< 
Koyal MOttary Colltc* of Cinada.NotiriU- 
itandint tbii, iti object aud tha work it U an- 
compliiEins ara noi aafficianUy uodcRtoad !iy 
tbii tiMcnu public 

Tbi Collfc* In a GnvMitmsnt iMUtutloii, 
dnigned primarily (or tb« purposa of Rlv<nt 
inatruction in all branchn of military •«»!<£• to 
(.'adeu and Ollicert of tha Canadian Militia. In 
laci iL correaponda lu Woola/Irh and Sandhurtt. 

Th* Commandant and military inalructort 
ara all olDcws on tha activa liât of tho Imparial 
army, lent for tfae purpoa*. and Ihtrt ia in addition 
a L'omptcta alaff of proltuora lor tba civil auli- 
itrln nbich lorm >ucn an important part o( tha 
C'ollfte cuuraa. .Medical attondanco ia alaa (irv 

Whiln (ha ('ollrca ia aritanlzed on « atricUy 
military banii the tadaU roceiva a practical aivl 
arientilie training iu (ubjcvU vusutiii lu a wuui 
modern iducatioo. 

The court* iocludoa a tborouth crouodint 'n 
Mathcmatic*, Civil EngineerinE, Surveyini. Phyv 
ica, Cbfmiitry. Krcnrb aud lOti^'lt^b. 

The utricl Aiaciplina maiiitainrri th* f'ol'eca 
» nnr of tha mo^t valuable Iputurei a' tha ■tour.a. 
and in addition, Ibo conilaiii iiracucc nl ^>-m- 
nastier, drill* and outdoor ciLercitaj of all Uinii. 
onsures health and excellent physical condition 

Commiifions in all brancboa of th* Imperial 
m\ ica and Canadiaa Fcrmaneot Core* are oBaiaJ 

Tbc diploma of eraduatinn ia eoniidarad hy 
Ih'i authorities conducliDC th* aiaminatloa for 
Dommion Uaud burvayo.- to b* aquivateot to a 
uni\trsily degre*. and by th* il'gulatlaa* of tha 

, I.BT, Society of Ontarin. i. uUlalna tb« '.asr n- 
I onipUi^uB 11.1 a B..\. dcgrer. 

thre* vearï. in ih."îa 

'I'he trnglb of ibe coitri! 
irrms of '.)' i monthn each. 

'riiF total coat III tb? cuurae, including boir t 
uniform. iMlructiunai material, and at. c«:rai 
is about Sm. 

Th* annual mmpitilive »a*mination for at- 
miMlun 10 the (.'ullage, lattca placo in May nl 
cacti year, at ihe beadquarlera of lb* tevaral 

irililiry di%iLiona! arc;i. uiid disLi-icta. 

for itil! pRiluMiUr. riîAnl 

lion and (nr an., uih-: nifu.-ir.i'-ion, a|i|i'.icalio i 
ahould be made i" Hic <cirii»r,' of the MUitia 
Councii, ùltaw». e'lii., u; lu iba Ucnimandant, 
Koval MUilary Colluga b.iosaloo. Ual. 
U.y. SI— i> 
i:-l3.— 0'J3W 

from the I'acully of .Applied t^cieaec 
a life luomlirr by iiaymenl of ibe com- 11,^ House Coininittec shall elect o;is 
liosilion fee provided for liy .\i I iele i:;. 1 of ii^ menilpci s 10 be Vicc-Cbalrman. 

i.-.l Honorary .Meinbtrs, - Thebej;,,,,] i„, ^\y^^\\ .^^^ fj,,. ^[^(. Vicc-Prcsldcnl 
shall be men of distinction who may 1 |i, .atisenec of the laucr, 
be elected at a General .Mcctins of Ihe xbe Hoiibc Coraiulttco shall 

heuP: help: 

He: "Do you know. Miss Fcaebcs, 
1 think you must be very egotistical." 

She: "Why, Mr. Cheese, how can 
you Imasiae such a thing?" 

He: "Because you have such capl- 

(Think it over, it will probably get 
to you in a couple of minutes— we had 
S read It twice ourselves.) 

Union or by the House Coiniultice, the 
nomination baviiii; brr'ii preNloiisly 
approved by the Advi.sory Uoarrt. 
I (6) Privileged Jlcrabcrs', — Membrr.s 
I of other Universities not resident in 
[.Montreal, aud students of Universities 
. not liH'atcd lu .Montreal, may be in- 
1 Irnduccd for a pcripd of not more tbnn 
'vo wcdit by any member In good 
standing. The uuuli of such privl- 
Irgcd person sball be entered, togcth- 
i ei with the name of bis proposer, in a 
book provided for that purpose, 'i'he 
> proposer of such member shall be held 
responsible for his conduct and any 
indebtedness he may incur to the Un- 
ion, Tho introduction may be renew - 
ed on application to the Sccreiitiy foi 

Thou rurely ranycst feel thy work Is u furtbor period of two " ecks, on pay- 
done, ! ment of a fee of one dollar fur each 
And something Is achieved, now thou I such period. 


■ ccir'respondent writes m ask us 
^hit Is the hardest part of joke writ- 
ing; and we hereby answer bim that 
the punctuation is the hardest part— 
because If you don't get that In your 
efforts lack points. 

The following was written by cer- 
tain studes who were also rans in the 
recent examinations: 

Silently one by one In the infinite 
notebooks of the Deans, 

Blosîom the neat little zeros, the for- 
get-me-nots of the Students. 


Jitney bus. ' . 
'Slippery street, 
iH the beyond 
We sball meet 

German fiddler, 

Irlfb danee, 
V.arh' Am nbein,— 

Mr. Dead Beat: "U 'he editor in?" 

Ofrtce Boy: "He will he in a couple 
of dollai'B when you pay your sub- 


A bookworm doesn't care much for 
Neither does a book maker. 

art sped. 

For lofty aspirations still were thine, 
To reach aborc thy native leafy 

To touch and breathe the air— Ah! 
why so bold? 
.Now o'er thy pallid form I mourn and 

Thus did tho poet to the heavens wide 

When ou anolbcr worm bis foot- 
steps fell. 

He Ellpt, he did, bis cranium smote d 

And now his lays he^bants in pad- 
ded cell. 


Ob. Ihe gentle zephyrs zepb/ 

And tbe breezes breeze along, 
I tell you we're sure money 

•When we re writins a Spring wng, 
I'tb gazed on heaps of violet?, 

Smb lUles full of tmct,. 
And roBM and carnations. 

DoTra In a florist's vlatp. 

no vor hxm : 

Who is Ihr .S( ieiice Junior tvho was 
observed recently on Durnaldc Place 
carrying a baby in bis arms? 
— WHO— 
And where did be gel II? 

Who is the Donalda who mistook a 
Geology lecture for a Domestic Sci- 
ence period? 

Who Is tbe Arts Junior wbo uses 
extract of grapes for writing fluid? 
— WHO- 
u iio i.a the n.V.C. girl who sat down 
suddenly on entering the Arts Build- 
ing one morniug this week? 
— WHO— 
Who was tbe Tbcolog. who was on 
band to pick her up? 

— WHO— 
Wbo was tbo tblrd-year Science 
'^udcDt who throw a board brush to 
tbe lecturer in a class yesterday?. 
— WHO— 
And wby didn't the lecturer calcb 



Who is the ihiid->ea: .\ns éludent 
inho tall? Ill an exam, and complains 
because li< dot^^n'i sei I'l'' per cent."' 
-WHO - 

, Who \f Ihe Medical Ircsbtnau who 
ihad hi' moustache (?) removed by » 
jcouplc of second-year men yesterday? 
' — WHO- 

Who is the Iaw senior --ho un.-> un- 
intentionally tingled out by Quips last 
» fek? 


general control of tbe building, in- 
cluding the catering department, and 
of the steward aud servants. The 
lluusc Committee shall act on its own 
resolution, cxcept'in matters involving 
expenditure, any question ns to wbich 
must either be: 

(a) embodied in the monthly report 
of the Vice-President lo the Finance 
Committee aud adopted by II and not 
disapproved of by the Adyisory Board, 

(b) notified to the Chairman of Ibe 
Advii-'ory Hoard or other member ap- 
pointeii by It for such purpose, and 
eoiisenieil lo by him. 

The lluu;,e Commillce may niipo'.nt 
stib-eomniiiiees to co-operate with the 
Vieo-I'rfsidcni iu the control of any 
depai liiirnls. M Irasl one nicinbrr of 
oaeli of ibcse sub-committees sball be a I 
ineinber of the House Committee and 
shall ai l. as Chairman aud sball re- 
port lo the Chairman of the House 
Committee at its meetings. 

11 - MS. 

il) The seni'ial books of aceount.s 
:-hal; l.f 111 i liaise (if ilie Flnanco 
fuiiniiinee, and shall be kept by the 
Peerctary under tho direction of the 

(L'l The Secretary shall enter 
monthly in tbo general books of ac- 
count tbo accounts rendered in tbe 
reports of the Secretary, and of the 
Vice-President to tbe Finance Com- 

(3) The reports Involving accounts 
sball be accompanied by vouchers. 

tti The accounts sball be audited 
every month by the Auditors to tbe 

(I; In addition to these Standing 
Commiitcs of the Union there shall be 
r.n' Advisory Board of seven ipcmbcrs, 
live of whom sball be appointed' by 
the Uovcrnoif of the University, one 
.ipTiointed by these five, and the Prc- 
bideni of the Union. 

i:;i The Advisory Board shall elect 
the Treasurer aud one other of Its 
iiiembc r.i" to the l'inante Committee. 

tJi 'livo members of the Advisory 
Hoard, taken by lot. shall letire on the 
e;<piraiioii of one year fioiii apiioinl- 
nicnt; two lUiall leliic in Ibe same 
manner on the expiration of two 
years, and two on the expiration of 
t.brco yc.irs. Members appointed there- 
aftf.r ^bBll hold office for three yeais. 

(4) Vacancies so occurring nud any 
vacancy caused prematurely sball be 
filled by the appointment of the Board 
of Governors. Members retiring sball 
be eligible for rc-appointroent 

, (a) The Advisory Board shall ~'.nro- 
scnt 'the University in relattonsbfp to 
thr affairs of tbe' Union, shall Act In 
officio Chairman of the House Com-, an ndvl.soiy capacity and sball also 
mlliee, and sball In tb.c absence of dl-|nct as a Court of Appeal from the 
rodions from the 'House Committee .StalidJng .Committees, 
bave authority mrr ihe 't<-«;iid audi (Id No rcsulution of Hie Standing 
nenant:' and :he grneial loiiiml of ; t'otiimiltpcs involving fspendilure or 
tbe Union prriiiiser^. lie fbnll ropni 1 ! eiitrriajiiiiinil ii|n 11 In iion-inemhers 
OQte a monlh lo the I'in;inc' i Hiiiiull - , nf ibe 1. niou : b.ill i.nuie luio forrç un- 
ter, his report batinç bu ii pie\iou:-:ly tl! ideirtd lu and approved by the 
submitted to and approved by the Chairman of the Advisory Board or 
House Committee. othri member appointed by it for such 

Q). .'fbe Tjea surci: sh all be the dc- 1 tnu poge. . — - 


111 Tho annual election of Honor- 
ary President, Preaideut, Vice-Presi- 
dent and Secretary sball be held on 
Ihc last Thursday of March in each 
year unless tbis day sball fall on a 
University holiday, in which case the 
election sball bo held' on tbe Thurs 
day preceding. 

(C) Nominations shall be in writing 
and sball be deposited with the Secre- 
tary not later than 5 p.m. uu the 
Thursday preecdinR the dale of Ihc 
election. Iinmedialely after llie nomi 
nations have iloseil, llie nanus of ibi 
candidates shall be posted on ibe bul- 
letin board of the Union. 

The newly elected officers shall 
assume their duties at tbe Annual 


(■Il In tilt: la^e of Ihc llouui .iiy I're- 
sideui. President, Vice-President aud 
(Continued on Page 3,) 






**rnn unTar'ed hlffb rtt« of pro- 
fil. for 43 yea.ra, 

Over $4.000,000 caah distributed 
tn pollcyholdcra nt Utt declara- 
tion of prnflti". bcmpT '.'6.Sre of the 
wlth-proflt premtnmn received 
during the qulmiuenntcm. 

Life fiind.-» over $50.000,000, over 
40^'* of sums assured. 


Cipensea IS.O^ri of premium 

Ko claim ha» ever been contciled. 

1 he kalldlav of nil the tienara. Ihe mille, Jhe brlilBP* aa« 
Ihr ahl»a and the ■rronplUbmFnt of all otiirr arcat 
aiarba a*hleh hate rrndrred m»n fIvllUcd and hnppr. 
ha*r heea dvnr by the aavera, the «hrifiri and thoae **h« 
have vraalcd their reaourcca have alavaya been their 

The time to berin lo aavo ■v\'rlt,^ at onrn for»ieular)i of *n«olal 
money, no.matterhowiniail tJiudrm^ 7:nrinwnir.,t 1.. .1^ \r c-<j.,te. 




i*nn ATF. wiiirs to \r.w toiik, qucnRo. ottaw.*, wi.>.MrE«. 
% .4>«.(ii V r:n, ^•|•. .loiix a>o tialii>'a.\. 
t(i r.iirr mt^M iti us motxtaiv iiii.i, 


A%i\Mi'i'.ni i.f* >iAi\ ^Tll^;l:;l 

IIAl.ll''A.\l 185 IIOLtlS STUEET 



l7i l.adics are aoi eligible [or lucui- 
bersliip, liul may bo adnmteil lo tbo 
Union from iime to lime under résilia- 
tions tu be framed by tbo House Com- 

.•i-Al>.niSSIO.\ OF .HE.MnKR.S. 

.\uy prr.'^on qualified to be an acilvi 
member, an associate lesidcnt. incm- 
her, 01 an afsoeiate non-resldcni mem- 
ber, shall be admitted to inemhersbiji 
on application in writing in tlio Sci - 
retary and payment uf ibe dues here- 
inafter provided. 


Any pcr.son not eligible for uiember- 
.•4hip may be introduced in company 
Willi any member of good stniidiii!:. 
Any person eligible ''or mcmbcisbip 
mity be introduced not oflcncr thiii 
•jnco a moutb. 


The Officers of the Union sbitll be. 
Honorary President. President, Nice- 
President. Treasurer and Secretary. 
The Prcsidciit, Viec-Picsidcnt aud tbe 
Secretary shall be active members, 
and sball not be eligible for le-elec 
tlon. No person sball be eligible to 
fill the office of President who has 
not been an active member for iwo 
years. Tbe Honorary President. Presi- 
dent, Vice-President and Secretary 
sball be elected by the active, life and 
foundation members as bcrciuafter 
provided. The Treasurer sball be ap- 
pointed by tbe Advisory Board from 
tbeir number, and sball be eligible (or 

S-DITIES 01 orriCEu.s. 

(1 1 (The President sball take the 
cbair at all meetings of the Union at 
which he Is present. He sball be ex- 
otficio a member of tbe Advisory 
Board and of all Committees^ 

(3) Tbe Vice-Fresldent sball assume 
tbe duties of the Preiildent in tbe ab- 
sence of tbe latter and shall be ex 




TIio Geological Survey has published niapsund reports deal- 
ing a large part of Canada, witli many local areas and 
special subjects. 

.^ ei!.i)r.;iir ,,f i.i|l.ri..,|Irin.<i tv-ill hf fcnl frer to .my aiiplkant. 

Mo«l n( the i.d(ler reiinris arc oui ul piinl, but they may u&ually be found in public libraries, Ubrarlt» 
of the Canadian Mlnlne Institute, oti;. 



10S3. ne.<.crlpiiv* Sketch of the Oeolosry and Economie Minerals ot Canada. Accompanied by a geological 

and mlnT.1l map uf fannda, by C. \. Tounff and It, W. Brock. 

M-:» llllli>SWlt'K AMI KOVA ICU'J'IA 
110:1. Memoir N'o, 18. Bathurat Uiitrict. New Brunswick, by G. A, Tounff. Maps not yet published, 


use, Memoir Nn, 35. Rcconnabisance alons tbs NallOBtl Tranicontinental ttallway In Southern Quebec by 
John .\. Oreiscr. - ■ 


1160. Memoir No. IT. Larder Lake District, Ont., and tdjotnlnr rortlona of Pontlao County, Quebec, .by 

Morlry K. Wilson. 

1:4;. Mrmolr \o. .13. (iiology of tJowganda Mininr Dlvlelon, by W. H. Collins. 

^o^^^ll\M;^^ i'ikivi.nli:!! 

1'Ju4. Memoir .No. :'i. Preliiiilna.Ty Ucporl ou the Clay and bhale Uepoilla uf the Wisstern Provinces, by 

llnniuli I;ir5 .nnd .luaeph Keele. / 
1:20. .Memoir X ". : 1. Oil and saa proapecl.s of tbe Norlhwett'Prorlncei ot Canada, by Wyatt 3iaIcottn. Map 

not yet piibliîlicd. 

nnrrisii colcmria 

UTS. Memoir No. 21. ,Tbe Geology and Ore Oepoilte of Fhoenls. Boundary District, B.C. by 0. E. LcRoy, 

1 L'Kux A^iii KOKTiiwesT TisniiiTonica 
i::g. Memoir No. 31. Wbcaton DUtrict, Yukon Territory, by D, O. Calmes. Map* not yet pubtiahed. 


CANADA • , . 

mr. Mineral Map of Canada, Scale 100 miles to 1 Inch. 

2P77. Map !I1A, Oeotoclcal Map of the Dominion of Canada and Newfoundland. 

MM* flfOTM 

li:;:: Mnn i:;.\. Kincport 'hc-t. Nova tliiain. No, S<. Sr»\f I mile tO 1 Inch, 
J:vS. Map ii3A. Southeast .Nova Scotia. Scale 4 niijea tu 1 inch. 

yr.w BnusswiCK ^ . . _ 

11!1. Map 3.-.A. tltfconnalssance Map of Parti of Albert and Weitmoreland Countlea, .V, 3. 
lopocraphy. Scale 1 mile to 1 Inch. 

IITS. MajJ •"'IA. Larder Lake and Opaattlka Lake, NIplasInt, Abillhl and Fontlac, Onlarlo anj ijuebac, Geo- 
loKical. Scale 3 miles to 1 Inch. 


Til). <ircnvill<« Pli^rt. Vxriii of rounlleii of Ottawa, .\rBentculI. Terrcbonn». Two Mnuntaini and Vaudreull 
Queber and l'arlcinn. Prescott and tJUiigarry, Ontario. Oeoloay. Sca'e « miles to I Incli. Reprint. 
1JT7. Map "1A. Laidcr Lake, Nipiaalnc Olstrlct, Ontario. Gcolojy. Si:ale I mile to 1 inch. 
1244. >tKp «itA. Advance Ceoloslctl Copy of Map of Qowsanda Mining DivUlon and vicinity. Scale 1 mile 

10 1 Inch. 

•j'.Jî. Map'xî». TA. niehorn Coal Area. Alberta, by G. Malloch. Bcile 1 mlUt,te I Inch. 


12(0-1278. MnpK 74A-;>().\. Geolosy of the Forly-nlnlh Parallel. r.eolocr «nd Topography of the Inter- 
na'.lMiiPi r.. iiind;ir>. lictween Brillih Columbia and tbe United States. Scale 1 mile to 1 Inch, contour 

tnl<;nal>? 1"0 fJ-i-t. 

12J7. Man 62.\. .Nelson and vicinity. British Columbia- Geolocy end Tcpoerapby. Seal. 1 niilc lo I Inch. 

lOf? .M.ip ï'A Ktplorril Houtc.^ on pnriB of th« Albany. SeTern and Wlnlik Rlveri. Scale 8 miles to 1 Inch. 
XO'ir: — ^iap> paklliihril Triihin Ihr taut ino yr»rB way he bad, frtntté mm llaca. (er field aac, A charge «r 

Ira ccMla la mjidc ftir tnapa oe llnrn. 

Lommutiicaliona should be addressed to TUL DIfŒCTUli, iiEOlAJGlVAL bUUVEY, 


Scale too miles to 1 Inch. 

Geology and